Satari A.K.A Kato12Windows

Revision as of 00:05, 27 December 2023 by SeamusIsANigger (talk | contribs)
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Satari A.K.A Kato12Windows ( sataria.k.akato12windows, as well as his alt Anti TJTLE249 SC#8732) is a retarded objectfag haglet who keeps joining and leaving Warsaw. He has some hateboner for some random retard known as "TJTLE249 SC" and always tells Warshitters to raid his server. Just like your average haglet, he has a hateboner for Fune and regular boners for Seamus, Halaget/kernegg and Miso Seider.

This user is a lolcow? Frickin' saved.
sick pfp nigger

He is also EXTREMELY prone to rage and has tried to vandalize this article multiple times. Just read this page's talk page to see just how butthurt he got after being added to this wiki!