pixelplanet.fun is an r/place clone and a pixel art website akin to sites like pixelplace and pixelcanvas. only difference being that it isnt bloated to hell with useless features like pixelplace and has no troonmonkeys like pixelcanvas (AND pixelplace). its main canvas is a 65536x65536 giant map of the world. with its spawn to the north being filled with coalies from the sharty and some of its splinters.

pixelplanet 101 - how not to get assraped.

  • do NOT use bots. you will get reverted by mods.
  • there is a timer mechanic that prevents you from anally raping everything. which is usually set to 7 seconds.
  • there is a minigame called "the void" which appears every 2 hours at the 10 minute mark. the system will tell you what the fuck the void is a few minutes before. you will then need to find it or wait until somebody else finds it and posts the cords in chat. the void itself is giant black/randomly colored circle that grows and can be stopped by placing pixels in its way. winning the game sets the cooldown to 4 seconds while losing sets it to 14 seconds. you can say "when void" in chat to know when the next void is happening.
  • the zarty (all the ongezellig shit west of the sharty) is and has been proven to be extremely hostile when it comes to bonziworld. most likely due to the fact that one of the zeggers was SO lazy and retarded when doing "research" on it (literally just reading a part of the main page and the top of the community article). that he came to the conclusion that bonziWORLD was a massive pedophile ring. and managed to wipe our sign 4 TIMES before we moved away from the zarty.

BonziWORLD activity

operation BonziPLACE 1.0

on February 13th, 2025, at around 8:00 EST (UTC+5) BonziWORLD king and moderator demin commanded that a BonziWORLD advertisement was to be built on pixelplanet.fun on the corner of the sharty and the zarty. with his motive behind it being a part of a bigger plan to overrun the kiddie population with immigrants from the sharty and encyclopedia dramatica. and around that time the sign started construction, there were very few major roadblocks other then a clanker briefly erasing some of the border and then leaving near the beginning of the project. it wasnt until around 9:00/10:00 that a major problem arose. plentity had found the ad by chance and since his asshole was still sore from getting raped by bonziworld a few months prior. he decided to revive a dead thread on the zarty. asking zelligpedos to kindly remove the advertisement for him since he is too busy jerking off to screencaps of my little pony, filming it, and posting it on some literal who plushophila booru with less then 10000 posts.

the niggercoal post that plentitties made on the zarty.

the zelligniggers, being just like feddity (jerking off to fictional minors), listened to his every word and managed to wipe the entire ad though the entire night and into the morning. when BonziGODs tried to revive it but to no avail, the pedophiles were just too strong. they tried to revive it about 4 times total with all 4 getting snapped by the zarty before they gave up, shortly after, demin was doing research on the clankers (at the time, they didnt know it was the zarty, they just assumed it was the clankers), attempting to find some sort of base or 'cord server. but instead he found the thread where the zelligtroons were all being commanded by benjamin E mitchell himself, what then followed were attempts at reason with the zarty (that were obviously futile) which the zarty then responded with some 2 minutes in mspaint slopjak before the BWers figured out it was feddity that was commanding everything and promptly started some minor trolling efforts before the thread died. while the trolling was going on, demin found a new place to build his ad, it was not over, it was just getting started.

in conclusion, this operation was a failure with some form of success on the thread trolling.

operation BonziPLACE 2.0

with the failure of operation BonziPLACE 1.0, BonziWORLD had learned from its mistakes and decided not to fail again. prompting the sign to be moved to the other side of the HWABAG cobson panel above the reddit is coal panel. where it was rebuilt. due to the BWers derailing the zarty thread and feddity likely being distracted by his cub porn. nothing was actually done other then some minor vandalism at the end of day 1. however, at the end of day 2, the sign was finally finished after 2 operations, 4 days, and constant attacks from enemies. you can view it in all its glory here.

another decisive victory for BonzARYANS everywhere.

external links

the zarty thread. scroll all the way down for the part you might be looking for.
