If you want an account, contact Ziggy or any other admin via Discord: @ziggymoncher_. Read BonziPEDIA:Requesting accounts for more details. Autoconfirmed time requirement reduced to 6 hours!
Agent Red

Agent Red is a hacker who first began to appear in the community at or around July 1st 2024. He is best known for Jeff the Killer virus, a worm that spread through malicious links. Over the span of a couple of days, his destructive influence on the website and community has proven significant enough to warrant the attention of Fune himself.
The two have soon come to an agreement; Agent Red shared all his exploits with Fune and in exchange he got his own wiki page.
Jeff the Killer virus

First sightings of the virus in the wild are alleged to be around July 2nd 2024. A surge of red bonzies named "Agent Red" began to appear, all repeating the same message as featured in the image on the right side.
The count of these unnatural bonzies seemed to grow exponentially for a while, until a certain plateau was reached. This was, of course, because the very links it had been spamming are used to infect new users.
Infected users reported seeing disturbing images across their screens upon reentering BonziWORLD, sometimes accompanied by cryptic messages written in red text on black rectangles.
Some of the other symptoms users experienced were disorientation, confusion, nausea, hallucinations and death.
After the settlement, Fune patched the vulnerability that made the spread of the virus possible and methods were put in place to cure infected users.
Agent Red now
Recently, he is active in the Agent Chat Discord server and is very friendly to members, including Seamus, so that makes him either a CollabVM faggot himself or a spy in the CollabVM community.
Additional information
- Discord username: agent.red.8000
- Related websites: https://server.erik.red/agr
- Trollbox 3D: server.erik.red:8000
- Neocities: https://agentred.neocities.org
Agent Red is known to frequent Trollbox and other Windows 93 spaces.
Agent Red's ECDSA signature public key:
ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHA1MjEAAAAIbmlzdHA1MjEAAACFBAElTklW7vDWQDb8MI8ymVvUztw8E0TPFliVtdppXNR9WyR+xN4LD2lXS9rDAHnylMtAlJjt5wp1Zd/BXNuor0iEJgAx7Jru5iFEZljPOwj7ogWRobPPW/e66FLKbgUtCJlNAsl8fimj9NDZ07VTw8YHh5TZMvIhdTw6UMrT9yPI9n9o5Q==