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BonziWORLD Kiwi Farms Thread
The BonziWORLD Kiwi Farms thread discusses certain controversies and notorious figures related to BonziWORLD. It was discovered by BNRAN on July 1st, 2024. It was likely written by Plentity, as it initially included a larger section about him than other users. The thread is regularly updated in the hopes it gets moved to Community Watch. UPDATE: the OP gave up on it because of their disinterest in BonziWORLD nowadays.
Plentity is some faggot who contributed edits of debatable quality to BonziPEDIA before rage-quitting due to "le raxiste homofobix transfobix!1!1!", everyone calling out the fact that he's a self-admitted pedophile, and general cowardice. He is suspected to be Your Mother Should Know (the author of the thread), as he emphasizes events involving Plentity over actually interesting things in BonziWORLD, and also put him/xerterzirzhem and some other nigger (Catie) in the thread instead of literally anyone more relevant (JY, Cosmic, etc). This isn't an attack on the thread, since it does have decent content, but it was poisoned by the cat-fighting between Catie and Plentity (like much of this wiki).
Further Reading
- Plentity cockplains about SIAN allowing gore (if BonziPEDIA is hosted in the United States, this is a violation of federal obscenity law due to the lack of warnings. If it's not, it may still be illegal in Fune and/or the BonziWORLD server host's jurisdiction).
- When SIAN started moderating gore, Plentity got sand in his tranny vagina because his chick shredding jackoff material couldn't be sent to kids anymore. (Plentity complained about gore on several occasions, and didn't post it after the TAC change.)
- Plentity overestimates his own contributions. The TAC was modified for google ads (this endeavor failed). Obviously he takes credit, since it happened about two days after he mentioned legal issues. (Also, Fune didn't ban Plentity. That was Ziggy.)
- Seamus never flashed his dick as much as he likes redirecting his site to ships of minors (something he actually did and could've been mentioned instead).
- Calling it "war" is just another thing Warsaw (the country as you say) does ironically, just like saying "FEAR THE HOG".
- Fune claims they removed their name on BonziPEDIA to make their personal page rank higher on Jewgle.
- Cosmic, Niggapoop, and countless others contributed way more than the lesbian tranny power couple, Catie and Plentity.
Screenshots of thread |