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The Anonymous Porn Incident

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The Anonymous Porn Incident is some shitty incident that happened back in 7/23/2024 where a user named anonymous would yell out telling people to turn on the car radio. And after that, he started to post Alpha and Omega(?) porn and other shit like cow gore.

What happened in the incident

In that incident, an amount of users spotted a yellow anonymous yelling about a car radio (Eg. "TURN IT ON!") and other shit like "PUT IT ON DRIVE!" He would also spam "SMACK", "SPANK", etc. This also prooves he is an alt out of Ogolding. Later, he would start posting alpha and omega (We don't know if it's alpha and omega because the male furry is grey and the female furry is somewhat orange-yellowish) porn. Later, a gofag toontasticfag named SILLY BILLY wanted the anonymous to post Numberblocks porn, and he actually did post Numberblocks porn making SILLY BILLY a numberfag pornfag comfirmed. Later, Rafaelduarte was in the chaos. He was asking for Wow Wow Wubbzy porn because he is mainly obsessed with Wubbzy Porn, and just like what SIlly Billy Asked for, he posted wubbzy porn. Later, he changed his color into some random kid possibly from Baby Einstein and then made a shitty rule 34 image out of it. Then the incident has officialy stopped the next day or the next 25 minutes he was there.

Users in the incident

Yellow anonymous/Kid anonymous

This user is a lolcow? Frickin' saved.
This person is a kiddie.
This means they are likely an underage BFDI, Vyond/GoAnimate/Plotagon, and/or logo spergs prone to tard raging.

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A underaged BabyEinsteinFag, WubbzyFag, Carfag, Radiofag, Pornfag, Alphaandomegafag, Numberfag, and Roleplayingfag kiddie who won't even shut up as he yells about car radios and spams porn.


The Anonymous Porn Incident is a stub or is unfinished.
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This person is a kiddie.
This means they are likely an underage BFDI, Vyond/GoAnimate/Plotagon, and/or logo spergs prone to tard raging.

You can help by reverting any autistic revisionism and trolling the kiddies on the talk page.

join all users https://bonziworldorg-revival.onrender.com/


Rafaelduarte877/ItzCrazyRafael is a 13-year-old Brazillian faggot on BonziWORLD which tells everyone to join shitty repl/onrender copies of bonziworld.

Rafaelduarte is also obsessed with pornography of a show called Wow Wow Wubbzy!.

He has an obsession with a user named Lisa (who uses BonziWORLD and Warsaw sometimes). He used a crosscolor of Lisa's OC and had the "Lisaify" option on one of his private servers.

External Links

Pastebin Account

Rafael's crosscolor

Rafael's server

Rafeal's YT


This person is a kiddie.
This means they are likely an underage BFDI, Vyond/GoAnimate/Plotagon, and/or logo spergs prone to tard raging.

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A pornfag, Toontasicfag, and Numberfag kiddie who wanted yellow anonymous to post numberblocks porn. Speaking of which, he is also a BabyEinsteinFag


This person is a kiddie.
This means they are likely an underage BFDI, Vyond/GoAnimate/Plotagon, and/or logo spergs prone to tard raging.

You can help by reverting any autistic revisionism and trolling the kiddies on the talk page.

A BabyEinsteinFag who wanted yellow anonymous to post porn.


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Don't edit parts of this page until they are properly finished.