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“ | I CUT IT OFF | ” |
—Kedvonze Foreheadman admitting his infection. |
Diagnosis on Troll Induced Transgenderism
Troll Induced Transgenderism, Troonytroll Syndrome, Seamass Curse or simply T.I.T(ties) is a disease in where a lolcow presumably from the BonziWORLD Revived, Halagetworld (& halaget world revived), AUTTP and
BonziWORLD Enhanced communities is peer pressured into mutilating his (or her) genitalia and replacing it with a fake one inorder to try and escape backlash. Most if not all of these cases end up with the victim falling even deeper into selfhatred and depression; and falling into more obvious baits, too. Troll Induced Transgenderism is notable for appearing in lolcows that are vulnerable to the mean lingo that appears in the shiny shiny computers that they use as a sobbingspot for the big mayority of their lives. Most if not all Troll Induced Transgenderism results in the total loss of reason other than being the laughing stock for some random wajeets online that have a life outside of being a punchingbag. This includes always replying to their messages or feigning some kind or subkind of bravado in (en-pissant, totally.) attempts to escape the "Internetzingo Trolls" and their rude, sexual or "crude" remarks. Once in a late stage of Troll Induced Transgenderism, the patient will become extremelly sensitive to pixels on a personal computer computer, throwing out big-inligino tantrums that always result in them sobbing or being incredibly butthurt. These Troll Induced Transgender-ists always show one or more of these symptons; and it almost always develops into a lack of self-protection and apparition of suicidal thoughts and ideas. These almost always come to light either in random discord clan voice channels or silently and discreetly without the Internet participating. If not attempted, then Self-Harm replaces suicide, and the patient will usually post the images or just discreetly cut into themselves. The more rude and mean the words on a screen are, the more prominent the symptons are; and if untreated (by firing a 20 Gauge Caliber Semi-Automatic Shotgun with Buckshot rounds and without the Safety enabled in the cranium one or more times), result in the patient being scarred for life and usually ending up just being a useless part of whatever community they're part of. In the purple-coated fur monkey website, they're known as Kiddies, much like the Dean Twitcherino, Nobita Cuckoldbi or Siobhan Touhou Styles. In the Asnurass Jizzosaurius Circlejerk, they're known as UTTP.
Troll Induced Transgenderism takes toll on kids and adults alike; as the level of retardness and gulilibility is almost always secured on certain parts of every community; no one is safe. It's almost as if you just wanted to amputate your own shaft and balls or stitch up your bagene the second you see a rude comment, if you were to have a brain as sensitive as the ones that these specimens posess. It's a contagious disease, and it spreads into people that aren't aware that words in a screen are just that, words in a screen. This doesn't stop Troll Induced Transgenderism from following it's course of action and causing kiddies to ruin their life forever; as the Peer pressure this disease holds is inmaculately high, there is no cure. However, you can treat it by turning off your computer, and getting a hobby other than being lifestock Lolcow cattle produce for some Lolcow farmers that reside in some random 4CHAN doomer coomer basement, which probably are even lonelier than said lolcows they farm. But hey, it's their body. Their body, as they say, their rules. This includes self-infestation of this disease, of course, and the following loss of the original genitalia that the patients had. Some of the communities, or infestation points for Transgenderism induced by T.I.T, are included in the following list, which, to no surprise, is quite large and is quite a yapping sesh:
Halagetworld (and K3RNEL)
In HalagetWORLD, a considerable amount of Troll Induced Transgenderism is reported; with as much as one case, which is of course, Seamus Kendrick Sea Men, the mediterranean valley of Troll Induced Transgenderism that recently reappeared in the Purple Monkey World scene just to become once again a laughing stock, even for his larpy troon friends that for some reason still put up with him. Seamus Kendrick's case is quite peculiar as, in the span of several months, he has cut off his genitalia and replaced it (or larped as such) with that of a female. Watchout, since the word "Female" is like an incantation to Seamus. Not only will he get weird if you say it, probably, but he'll be weirded out. He'll ask, what's a female? Is that a touhou character? Because, obviously, females don't exist and are just inventions by the BonzingilinomonstropediaWORLD MK-Ultra-Omega Corps owned by the polish blowjob guy Cuckolding to throw the heroic HalagiazingeWORLD nation off it's tracks. Much to that theory's veracity, Seamus still transitioned into a Fuckmale after being unbearably butthurt thanks to some random platoon of kids on a purple monkey website (Sounds familiar?). His name, after bearing the horrors of Troll Induced Transgenderism Syndrome, is now Siobhan. However, he still can't be a real Fuckmale, since Fuckmales don't exist, duh. It's obvious that they're just Colin alts.
Another infamous case is possibly semitic docen, a dude (not) famous for being part of a unknown clan that Muhh-ran appears to hate (besides Phonefags); the Sex chord gooneration of the Cuckenith Chorder. However, we can't consider him one since it's just a inside joke. Or is it..?
Besides these Troll-Induced-Transgenders, half of "his" group is probably en-route to being infested with this disease and eventually mutt-chopping their own penises off to replace them with coinslots; these are Ammo, whose three iterations of child pornography seshes left some traces of TIT in, Kedvonze, the warrior spirit of the forehead clan of Slovenia, ancient Solar panel and god of Reflection, whose case was studied thoroughly by the Sewer Pig Lovechild Passionclan, which lead to the discovery that, to no surprise, Warrior Foreheadman Kedvonze Largius Reflextorum was a victim of Troll Induced Transgenderism. For crude evidences of the diagnosis on this patient, visit his circlejerk study papers. He cut off his testicles, so he cannot jizz to kids too. Clearly a heroic sacrifice, saving fuckmales from having children with him and ruining their lives in doing so. However, he doesn't have a "new" name, and it won't be the real one anyway since his name will always be Kedvonze Largius Reflextorum.
Early-Sympton-Suffering specimens inside this circlejerk include but are not limited to Combine Gaming; which admitted to "fucking loving femboys", showing hints of his growing arousal towards self-genitalic mutilation, and, to no surprise, Troll Induced Transgenderism.
Old Docen (league)
The amount of pedophiles and child pornography consumers (and consequently addicts) inside the Old Docens is equal to their number of victims of Troll Induced Transgenderism Disease. The clan is packed up to the teeth and shins with Trooners and Trannyfaggywaggies everywhere you look; from the smallest groups up to the small groups. The infamous cases inside the HXR rip-off include Nymph Docen, which was a victim of Troll Induced Transgenderism after they met the evil duck pond clan from sullivan, ohio, Prawn Sheep. He cut off his extremelly microscopic genitals and replaced them with a coin slot that didn't even work as it should. However, following the Diagnosis that almost all victims suffer, Nymph Docen's sensitivity grew, and so did his feeling of butthurt-ism, feeding absolutly every troll, and rolling around being a laughing stock for Lolcow Farmers. Despise his apparently "honorific clan" title, he still killed himself after being reported to the Chicago police, being soonly after replaced by Kapo Parazamel Docen, which is, to Seamus' surprise, a Fuckmale, but still a braindead tumour to the Docenith Scene. This same person apparently became a carrier for Troll Induced Transgenderism, since (s)he caused the infection of Charlie Docen up to real life harassment, and eventually, death. However, up to no surprise, Kapo's carrier state melted away and she showed one of the symptons; Suicidal thoughts, which she quite literally dolphin dived into, jumping out of her balcony 11 stories into her death. Other transgenders born from this guturally agonizingly horrible disease include Frostbite Docen (the original one, since the new one is not a tranny), which became a male and dated Kapo Parazamel up to when he was forced into exile by Le evilzinge trollios!!
Other less notable Troll-Induced-Transgenders include members from the third generation; Fern Docen, which was a average guy that transitioned out of being trolled.