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Semitic Docen

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The user portrayed in this page is a member of the Second Generation of the Docenith Order.
This means they're a Old Docen.
This person/group is a criminal and likes to commit crimes.

Please report all sightings of these crimetards in Warsaw, PWNSEC, or whatever server is related to them to the respective server owners, and be sure to report them to the authorities.


General Information

Semitic Docen, JewMaster, Eye Of Judea or simply Gedalia, is the Old Docen leading the Semitic division of the old league since it's beginning to it's collapse in 2024 in the hands of the rebelling neodocens. It is known that Semitic's left caused the division as a whole to become independent and is theorized to orbit Seamus or even support them. However, during his stay in the Old League, Semitic Docen has been known to contribute in large proportions to Synthetic's child pornography network; and it is also theorized that he spreaded about 10-20 files in there according to Neodocen spies. He is a jewish male. It is unknown where he lives, but it prolly is close to the Middle East or the United States. He is a supporter of zionism beliefs, and strongly disagrees with Palestinian humanitarian help, calling it "feeding the pests with more rotten food"; further fueling his sense of superiority but not making him not appear as a racist cunt white supremacist.

Docen Context

Second Generation


During the foundation of the old league; some days after, Semitic Docen joined the old docens as a special operations Docen, quickly climbing the ranks and earning synthetic's rule during it's first contact with the recently founded UTTP. Some months after, Semitic Docen became a sub-commander; 2 ranks behind a Docenith. This allowed him to own his own division; the semitic division, which Polysemitic, Omnisemitic, Semitic and Purebloodaryan formed. and which took it's first attacks on AOS when the war started.


Semitic Docen was at his peak right before the civil war started, as he wasn't really that much of an interesting person; he didn't participate in anything important related to the old docens previous to the civil war, you could say he was the gioyious of the old docens since most of the time he wasn't forcing his division to spam jewified hentai on servers full of sensitive children, he'd be sleeping. However, during his peak, he carried out an attack on a now-extinct larper group, decimating all of their five servers with 100 members each in a matter of 5 days. His division would also be rewarded by the Badge Of Obedience by Synthetic "Discord Noob" Docen during this time for the action previously mentioned; and semitic Docen became a docenith. However, when the civil war was starting and tension grew exponentially, semitic Docen would find himself with less power, slowly and slowly becoming less of a old Docen, but, still he managed to save some of synthetic's info (which would later be used to get him arrested) from the rebel docens that would find it sometime after anyway; he only delayed the doxxing and eventual arrest of the leader. During the peak, too, semitic Docen created some kind of bait n' switch video of a suggestive bfdi image (possibly from rule 34) as a thumbnail, that, when clicked, would switch to animal gore and epyleptic-inducing content; he nicknamed this video as "Sweet Zionist Puppy Season Everyone", and he spreaded it to the servers that would later join the rebel docens in the fight agaisnt the old league; these included slightly hacker-skilled servers and just regular docen-opping servers with less than 50 members.

Civil War

Semitic Docen was one if not the most influenting doceniths during the civil war; having took important roles in operations agaisnt rebelling docens (that would later become Neodocens, leaded by Unapoligetic Docen) , like, for example; operation casanova, being the puppetmaster for some of the hacked accounts and using them to post gore and porn on rebel servers and on servers full of sensitive children. However, his courage and arrogance didn't save the old league from falling, and eventually, they carried out the strike agaisnt pienob. Semitic Docen would join Coppercool24's server after this operation, spamming gore and porn. However, this did little to no damage, and most of the damage was psychological damage to some of the children inside the server; this fueled the anger of the Rebelling Docens even further, leading them to doxx Synthetic Docen and then leading them to get him arrested, making the old league go downhill.


Semitic Docen pussied out of the league during it's dissolution after nymph gave up, and he began orbitting Seamus, although the identity of the account Semitic used to orbit Seamus is unknown; but, however, it is theorized that he might have participated in the short-lived peace agreement between Seamus and Warsaw (This has been disproven)