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Docenith Order

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Note: Docenith refers to a league, and Docen to a person. The saxon genitive for Docen is Docen, too; The Docen Nexus, while a league's saxon genitive is Docenith; The Docenith Leagues.

Docenith Order

Main Information

The Docenith Order, vulgarly known as Docen or Docen League is a clan which exists thanks to it's symbiosis with other groups, most notably PWNSEC and UTTP. In this, they tend to either merge with them to become a singular joint clan or perform as an elite speciality group within. Their notable skills vary from generation, but they share a common skill, which is Social Engineering, whih level has remained uniform for the mayority of the order. They were founded in 2011 by an unknown Classic Docen, and they started in telegram, not discord. The name "docen" has two meanings. On one hand, the word "docen" is a play on "docent", which means "to teach". This is a throwback to how the docens "teach" good by "removing" bad from this world. This larpy metaphor refers to how the docens in their majority neodocens eliminate pedophiles and this consequently teaches good to the world. Though this is larpy as they come, it is the one of the official definitions of the word "Docen" according to an extracted classic docen file. The other meaning of the word Docen is simply Brother (there are no gender distinctions in Docenith), which refers to the brotherhood-like structure from which docen orders ramify from. While Docens don't have a lot of connection to Bonziworld or Warsaw, some of their history has transcurred in said places. There are three main generations of Docens, which i'll dig into following this.

The Docenith Order tends to follow a similar hierarchy between generations, so the ranks don't tend to differ in terms of name and power. All docen content falls under the category of "Docenith Order" by default. This is done to easy up searching and article writing.

Docen History

The Docenith Order's history occurs in a 13-year-long timespan, including but not limited to the main three monopolizating generations, classic, new and old.

However, some of these generations, like the old docen league, had "semi-leagues" which took place after they themselves collapsed. Some of these are Nymph's Old Docen League, Provisional Old Docen and Alavoy League Of Docens.


This is what you destroyed, boy, This is what didn't deserve it; i don't doubt my or my father's league did.

—Quote about the Classic League by Kapo Parazamel.


The First Generation was ominous, secretive and hideous. They were actual hackers and not skids like the second generation of docens. They were nicknamed "Classic", for some reason. The first generation worked in similar fashion to Le evil pawnsex owned by le linux skid triofag!!! . They were the second biggest generation behind the old docens. Their most notable members are Polysemitic Docen (aka Lapislazuli) and Lonestar (aka Fuckune's Nightmare) Docen. They used Telegram to function. Very little of their history is actually known, so i'll be adding the information recopilated from excavation ops:

Suriname-29SJ - Forgohnve

"On the 29th of october up to some months after our foundation, we experienced a upgrade of our privacy. We've been using more strategic methods when confronting our enemies. The truth is, however, many are blatantly oblivious to privacy leaks and privacy issues. That, is when we strike." - 2011 (29th october - 31th december)

"Right now, we are at the peak of activity. Our forces are ready to vanquish any enemy in our way!" - (supposedly 2012)

"Our stability is at it's peak. We've hacked into the Somalian goverment because those spergs didn't have any methods of "defending" their website, so it was quite easy. Lonestar and Cucojeet (old nick for Polysemitic Docen) have been developing a new candy for us to taste. It'll be worth our time. I'm gonna report this to our leader." - supposedly one year before their dissolution.

Thanks to the destruction of the Alavoy Docens, most of the classic docen' history has been lost to time.


The comulgate is the period right before the destruction of the Classic League. It's characterized by non-spergy terms and a lot less larpy approach. However, this results in a bunch of shitty files that must be campled with others inorder to make remote sense.

"our time is almost over. were gonna have to breakup if we want to keep our actions hidden from the feds. ill be removing the main telegram channel, you guys need to delete everything else" - 2014

"it's over, we're done. no more docen. the leader has dissolved the entire group, so we're on our own, each of us." - 2015


The user portrayed in this page is a member of the Second Generation of the Docenith Order.
This means they're a Old Docen.

—Quote by Semitic Docen

Main Article: Old Docen


The Day of Reckoning

The Day Of Reckoning, 12th of February 2016, was when Nymph, Polysynthetic, Synthetic, Kapo Parazamel and Omnisynthetic Docen grouped up in a group chat and started writing the mandates of the Old League; these were like testaments; each article told the rules of the Second Generation League, and explained them throughroughly. When they were done, they created the Old Docen server; also known as The Sacred Second Council (February 2016 - April 2016), and then named to Old League by Synthetic Docen. On the first day 5 more Docens joined; Helenos, mineral, semitic, omnisemitic and omnimineral. The development of the child pornography network would happen about 1 or 2 years after this.

First contact with UTTP

The UTTP and Old Docens crossed each other paths the 26th of June, 2016. However, as both shared similar objectives, there wasn't any hostility, but there still was spies from the Old League spying on UTTP incase that were to change and hostilities were to increase. As this didn't happen, both developed a kind of non-aggression status between each other, not attacking each other. However, UTTP wouldn't participate in anyway with the Old Docens; except the status.

First Boom

Polyhelenos, Monohelenos and Alpha joined on the 19th of July, 2016. Polyhelenos' name previous to the fundation of the Helenos division in 2017 was Deity Docen, and Monohelenos' was Oracle Docen. Helenos' name stayed the same and so did semitic's and mineral's.

During the 1st week of November, more specifically on the 3rd of November, Polysemitic, one of the two only Classic Docens that worked for the second generation, joined. Her boyfriend, Unapoligetic Docen, wouldn't join until 2020. Polysemitic's entry into the group allowed her to share her own code with the council (nymph, synthetic, polysynthetic, Kapo Parazamel and omnisynthetic), gaining her the rank of Knight instead of minor when joining.


Second Boom

Omnihelenos, Beta Docen, Golden, Monomineral, Polymineral, Kappa, Psi, Sissy and Topor joined the Old League on Early 2017; 1,2,3 and 4 on January; 5,6,7 on February and 8 on the 27th of February. Each one of them kept their name except monomineral, which was called Opaque Docen before becoming monomineral, polymineral, which was called Tranny Docen before becoming polymineral, and Omnihelenos, which was called Krasnovadar Docen before becoming omnihelenos.

Planning for the child pornography network

The planning for the child pornography network began in April 2017 and concluded in June 2017. The "poly" members of each division were called to discuss what they'd add, except polysemitic and polyhelenos which were too low ranking.

However, during this planning, they began searching for a person to code for them and to host their network on. This search wouldn't conclude until Lonestar was found on September 14th, 2017. Lonestar would begin building the network until it was finished on the 27th of June, 2018. The child pornography network would be defended by a special division leaded by Omnisynthetic, called CP Network Security TaskForce.

First War

The First conflict the Old Docens were involved in was the First War, against AOS. This conflict involved all of the league, and during this period, Kapo Parazamel carried out spamming and raiding against them. This conflict lasted about 3 months, until Lonestar joined the Old League. Synthetic and the other's skills combined fended off AOS DDoS attempts easily and eventually Synthetic signed a truce with AOS to end the conflict, ending the drama on the 17th of September, 2017. The conflict usually involved Docen-opping, spying and nuking attempts from both sides; all of them being light (for AOS) and the rest were light to moderate (for Second Generation Docens). However, during this time, some more Docens joined; Charlie Docen, Zion Docen, Zero Docen and Urchin Docen, they would be assigned to the Special Operations team as a predecessor to the Alavoy group; scouting over post-classic-Docen servers and extracting knowledge in order to know more about the Classic Docens. However, polysemitic and Lonestar formed the Classic Division, of Classic Docens and not Second Generation Docens, the two being the only members, and the two being interrogated for even more knowledge about the Classic Docens.

Excavation Operation Sinclair

E.O.S was the first excavation operation carried out by the Old Docens on the 31th of September, and ending on the 31th of November, after gathering many archives, files, text, information, doxxes... The people involved were mostly Special Operations Docens like Zion, Zero and Urchin, but also Kapo Parazamel, Polysemitic and Omnisynthetic. This excavation led to the discovery of blood orchid, but it wouldn't be recognized as a actual group of information until 2018. It also led to information used for the CP network that the Old Docens would eventually create with the help of Lonestar Docen and the council of the Old League. This excavation was leaded by Helenos Docen, and vice-leaded by Omnihelenos Docen, sub-commander of the Helenos division, and right hand of Helenos.


Third Boom

Most of the Docens except Yernek, Velvet, Khirismos, Unapoligetic, Bronze and Purebloodaryan Docen joined during this boom. The Docens that joined were assigned to each of their divisions.

Foundation of the mineral division

The mineral division of the Old League of Docens was created on the 23th of February of 2018, by Mineral Docen, and supported by Synthetic and Polysynthetic Docen. This division is responsible for most of the hacking dealed by the Old League; but their golden age was between 2019 and 2020. The mineral division is also known as Hacker and Coding Division Sub-Variant Alpha, or simply Ore. The dissolution of this division took place on the 10th of February 2024, after the civil war concluded and the Old Docens as a whole disappeared and collapsed. It is theorized that some of it's members migrated to either UTTP, RUTTP or to graphene, in the most extreme cases; but none joined the Neodocens, at least those that are known, since the mineral division despised the rebel factions that birthed the Neodocens as a whole.

Discovered by Yernek

Yernek Docen discovered the Old Docens and so did Khirismos and Kynliin; Kynliin, which was called "Fuzzy Furry Docen" previously to his modern nickname, about 2 days after his hiring, joined the league on the 19th of march, Khiriismos, a scribe and hacker that worked for the predecessor and eventually for the Alavoy group as a member of excavation operations to uncover the secrets of the Classic League, joined on the 24th of April, and Yernek joined on 2019.

Excavation Operation Sand Dune Jewel

E.O.S.D.J was one of the biggest excavation operations inside the Old League. This operation uncovered 8 files, 9 text files, 10 poetry files, 3 archives, 8 doxxes and some more. The leader of this excavation operation was Beta Docen, which was climbing the hierarchy with ease and rapidly due to her outstanding courage and hability to lead old Docens into operations. The excavation researched on now-gone websites, which were wiped soonly after in 2023 by Alavoys as revenge for Synthetic's Arrest, on servers, people, etc... The excavation lasted from the 2nd of June to the 30th of September, with Purebloodaryan joining after the end of the excavation operation, being hired by Helenos, but being left as an independent Docen with no division whatsoever. The excavation operation is the biggest excavation operations previous to the foundation of the Alavoys, which outranked this record with Excavation Operation Tourniquet Blastwave, executed by Excavation Team Ossuna-11. E.O.S.D.J was led by Excavation Team Zanzibar-34.

Discovery of SK

Shadow Knights, leaded by PomPomCodez was discovered by the Old League in 2018, by Kynliin Docen, on the 12th of October, and didn't stop the spying until the end of the year, gathering several pieces of info about them, and considering them a mild threat if they discovered the Old League back, and not a threat if it didn't discover the Old League, as SK was some kind of competitor to the Old League of Docens; this was bullshit made up by Synthetic because he was jealous of other people. By this point, the second generation counted with about 80-90 members, some which aren't classified on the nexus because some of them have too little information about themselves.


Yernek joins

Yernek Docen joined the Old League and served as a heavy-duty hacker and light scribe and Docen-opper during the 13th of January to the 30th of January, serving as one of the most effective members Synthetic Docen had under his control, but this would change for the better soonly after discovering Yernek's coding habilities, which made the council give Yernek the task of coding the child porn network. During this time, Kapo Parazamel began planning the Alavoy group in secret with the council, dissolving the special operation groups previous to the Alavoys and fusing them with the newborn Alavoy some months after Yernek joining the Old Docens.

Creation of the Child Pornography Network

The child pornography network which Synthetic and the council secretly hailed as something divine and sacred was created in secret by pre-Alavoys and Yernek, alongside Lonestar Docen and the entirety of the council. The network wouldn't go online until the 12th of February, and it would be shutdown with it's destruction on the 12th of February, in the hands of the Neoalavoy Neodocens. The child porn network's servers were spread around the western hemisphere, so the glowies couldn't find it. In it, the Old Docens who knew about the existence of the network could share, consume and distribute child pornography, beastiality, etc.

Foundation of the Alavoy group

On the 13th of April, 2019, the Alavoy group inside the Old League was created, by Kapo Parazamel, and previously special operations merged with it. This division was hidden to most Docens, as it worked as a primary security team for the child porn network and also worked as vandalizers for sites who had information about the CP network of the Old League or as vandalizer of hostile sites, and not only vandalizers, but crashers, as they also crashed sites. The Alavoys are mostly known for their excavation operations, which they were responsible for, and eventually executed the biggest one in the history of the second generation, them suppressing people who knew about the child porn network (and weren't trusted to know about it), and for the hacking of enemy clans. They would be dissolved in 2024 after PWNSEC nuked their last server.

War against SCP larpers

The Old League and the Alavoy group fought against a SCP larper group between 2019 and 2022, ending with the destruction of the larper servers, all of them.

As the Old League outnumbered and the Old League's skills outmatched that of the larpers, all of the attacks carried by the larpers led to the larpers being tracked down to their servers, and then their servers would be Docen-opped and then nuked soon after. A total of 17 servers between 2019 and 2022 were nuked by the Old League. This war was leaded by Nymph, and the Alavoy groups were leaded by Kapo Parazamel. The Helenos division didn't participate, but the semitic and synthetic divisions did.


Golden Age of the Old League

During this time, the Old League carried out several excavation operations, their hacking skills were at an all time high, they had no wars (almost no wars), and the child porn network flourished quickly. During this time, Unapoligetic joined, and quickly began ravaging competitors' servers with ease and like the wind. This earned him the title of "Unapoligetic". However, he didn't know that he was destroying servers that had knowledge about the child porn network, so this mitigated the chances of any of the Old Docens of knowing about the child porn network. The golden age lasted 4 months, starting on the 2nd of January and finishing on the 2nd of may.

Golden Age of the Child Porn Network[

During this time, the child porn network's activity skyrocketed, and the material and footage inside it was counted by the millions; the security team wasn't really active, since most of the groups who knew or had suspicion of the network's existence were wiped out by Unapoligetic of by the Alavoys. The child porn network spreaded to places like Africa, Brazil, Arabia, but, it was limited to very high ranking Docens and people that Synthetic himself trusted. During this time, Unapoligetic was still being taught by Synthetic about the ways of Docen-Op, nuking, raiding, but not hacking. Unapoligetic would eventually finish learning close to the end of the golden age of the network. The golden age of the child pornography network lasted for 5 months, from the 1st of June to the 1st of November. After the golden age, the Old Docens carried out Operation Fueltight, and the person behind this operation was Alpha Docenith, which became a Docenith some time during the golden age of the child pornography network.

Excavation Operation Fueltight

EOF was carried out by Excavation Team Ossuna-11, and was the biggest excavation operation carried in the entirety of the second generation's lifespan, gathering about 89 different files, and about 19 doxxes. This operation was overseen by Synthetic Docen and Kapo Parazamel, and went on from the 9th of November to the 11th of January. After this excavation operation, most of the excavation operations died down and weren't launched again until 2022 or late 2021, with the last one being the prime reason of why the Docen civil war happened.


Second War against AOS

AOS declared war against the Old League by nuking one of their smaller servers, this inexchange made the Old League fairly angry, as they sent Unapoligetic, which began Docen-opping AOS from the inside. While this occurred, the Old League carried out DDoS attacks against AOS sites, and AOS did the same against Old Docen sites. Doxxes from each faction were being leaked left to right during this period, and raids were usual for both parties, with the Old League spamming token-loggers, porn, gore and animal gore to AOS servers and AOS spamming gore on Old League server. The Old Docen commanding the attacks against AOS was Alpha, Polysynthetic and Semitic. However, the leader for Old Docen squadrons were Omnihelenos, Polysemitic, Unapoligetic and Khirismos. This conflict lasted for about 4 months, ending on March.

War against SK

Unapoligetic was sent as the leader of the Old League's forces against SK. In this conflict, the Old League began spamming and hacking one or two SK members, same for SK against the Second Generation; both raided each other for a long period of time until they signed a truce, since no real harm was being dealt by both parties, besides the nuking of one of their main servers. The truce was signed by PomPomcodez and Synthetic Docen. This conflict ended on July and started on June.

First Contact

Nonqjin, a Roblox YouTuber, was attacked by Unapoligetic and Synthetic, spamming Roblox porn and gore on their servers. However, Unapoligetic recognized Nonqjin because Nonqjin was his friend. In the first contact, about 10 Old Docens joined and began asking for Nonqjin, and when he finally became online and responded, they flashed him with NSFL. This was executed by Polysynthetic Docen close to the end of 2021, and this ultimately broke Nonqjin's ties with Unapoligetic for about 1 or 2 years until they reunited. The child pornography network would begin to be catched wind of, as some spies from enemy clans almost discovered it before being doxxed and ratted by the Alavoy group leaded by Kapo Parazamel.


Third War on Larpers

On this conflict, the Old League ravaged and nuked larper servers that had little to some or to no knowledge about the child porn network. The leaders and members of these were almost all of them doxxed and their doxxes stored by the Alavoy group. However, this conflict was possibly the last conflict where all of the Old League was internally united and no outer, inner or middle tension was suffered by the group, as such, after the culmination of this event which was leaded by the Helenos, Synthetic and Mineral division of the Old League, the excavation operation leaded by Chon-Lobesman that revealed the child pornography network to the Old League and to maybe one or two other clans would take place, building up tension by the minute.

Excavation Operation Saint Sejanamen

E.O.S.S was leaded by the Alavoy group as a whole; all of the divisions of the group and some external groups trusted by synthetic were sent to extract information to develop a "ultimate version of the child porn network", and to then use it to wipe out the remaining competitors of the Old League. In this, they were successful, however, Yernek, which leaded this excavation, and was Synthetic's and Polysynthetic's usual right hand, fucked up, and leaked a image of Yernek blackmailing a teenage girl into giving her nudes to him in order for him to post it on the child pornography network. This BLEW UP tension inside the Old League, making the group unstable and leading to the council taking harsh decisions. On this, they doubled down on a very severe rule where everyone against the child pornography network would be purged and then, their doxxes which were stored inside the child pornography network they themselves managed would be leaked, and they'd be forced to surrendered. This led to the creation of the rebel Docen group that would eventually carry out of the Docen civil war and destroy the Old League was a whole.

Start of the Civil War

The Docen Civil War or the War of Transition's full explanation and in-depth run can be found in it's respective page. However, the Old League, being weakened by the use of resources on the E.O.S.S, would fuck up ONCE AGAIN, and this would be taken advantage of by rebelling Docens, leaded by Unapoligetic Docen and Polysemitic Docen. In this, one day, the rebels, which were still hidden and the Old League nor the council knew about who they were, nuked the main Old League server and destroyed a important piece of the child pornography network, leading to the anger, fury and frustration of the Old League council, but, for the rebels, it was a huge win. While the Old League licked their wounds, the rebel Docens founded servers, but, the Old League soon stepped their feet and destroyed some of them, even going after some and doxxing them. The Old League eventually carried out Operation Casanova, a witchhunt where rebel Docens were hunted down, doxxed, and on the worst cases, ratted. Almost all of them recovered their accounts, except maybe one or two. However, after this, Bronze Docen, which was one of the rebels, would get hacked, and would get used to raid rebelling servers. This wouldn't be the last person hacked, as Operation niggerpale had more hackers hacking more rebels and more hacked rebels' account being used to spam and raid rebel groups against their own free will.


Middle of the Civil War

Occasional raids, spamming and even nukings occurred against rebel servers by the hands of Old League Docens and the council, in something they called a Holy Massacre, however, this would be striked back against when the rebels located one of the child pornography network's server, and soon, one of the Docens; their identities still unknown, arsoned the server and destroyed it, causing harm to the Old Docens and enraging them furthermore. This would lead Polysynthetic to start a manhunt against rebel Docens, following them to every server they went to, breaking friendships that Unapoligetic had and tormenting him and his girlfriend; Polysemitic Docen. However, this would soon conclude as the rebel Docens found Pienob's server; Pienob's roasting community version 2, in which Unapoligetic joined and befriended Nonqjin once again, however Synthetic himself and his partners didn't take long to pinpoint it down, leading to planning of an attack, and some time after, something unexpected happened.

Climax (of the civil war)

The climax of the civil war involving the Old League fighting against the rebelling Docens took the battle to Pienob's server, and on the 26th of September, something unexpected happen; Beta Docen leaded an attack to it and Synthetic himself joined under the name "Disc noob". After some time and some Docen-opping attempts, Synthetic would eventually begin his plan, sending gore to minors, and flashing a person who was in a livestream, making him show the gore live and him getting banned. Shortly after some people were doxxed, and the Pienob server was exiled, with many people hopping to coppercool24's server, where the rebel Docens began strengthening themselves and growing in power, setting a headquarters in there. After some time of attempted doxxings, attacks between each team, the rebel Docens, which founded the Neodocens after joining coppercool24 would receive threats from a inminent DDoSS attacks to the minors inside coppercool24's server. However, when Synthetic joined to try and carry it out, he would blackmail copper, showing his location, but, in it, fucked up FOR THE THIRD TIME and pretty much condemned himself; after he left, his city and address, even name, was obtained by the Neodocens, rapidly day after day. Two weeks after the Pienob incident, Unapoligetic Docen called the cops to Synthetic's and Omnisynthetic's (Omnisynthetic is Synthetic's wife) home, getting them arrested, and pretty much de-stabilizing the Old League, making them extremely inner-tense. Shortly after, Alpha Docenith would be doxxed (fake dox BTW), and then Docen-opped coppercool24. However, Polysynthetic WOULD be defeated by the Neodocens, as Polysynthetic would be doxxed, and that pretty much obligated him to leave the Old Docens. However, soon after that, nymph took over and they framed Anthony and Resen for a "botnet".

Coppercool24 would soon after be nuked by the Neodocens, as some kind of "declaration of independence", finally becoming the third generation of Docens.


Teaming up with Tyranny

The Old Docens, weakened after the climax, mixed with RUTTP and Tyranny, attacking PWNSEC and Warsaw with them. The leaders behind these attacks were Nymph and Frostbite. However, they fucked up once again and Akuma Kynliin regained their account. PWNSEC would begin to dox Tyranny high ranks, and soonly after initiated a witchhunt against Frostbite. This led to nymph spamming child pornography inside PWNSEC, and soonly after, PWNSEC and Warsaw would have child porn posted in their own respective NSFW channels, thanks to an unknown alt of a Old Docen; possibly either Nymph, Beta or someone else. However, frostbite's opsec was miserable, and in desperation for power, raided Warsaw and PWNSEC once again, and in Warsaw, he would begin crying to Fune for some reason, and shortly after, Unapoligetic Docen hacked him with a token-logger since frostbite was retarded enough to trust a girl alt.


The leader of the Old Docens; Nymph Docen, was doxxed by Smiley Docen, member of the Neodocens and PWNSEC, after this, he'd disappear, apparently being arrested or ragequitting after PWNSEC found out about fake Lapis; this officially disbanded the Old League and the rest of Old Docens still loyal to Nymph and/or the council mixed with UTTP, Tyranny, or became independent post-2nd-gen Docen factions, like the Alavoys.


Former Pedophiles fighting agaisnt Pedophiles? That's new.

—Quote about the Third Generation by Kapo Parazamel.

Rebel Activity

The neodocens started as a rebellion agaisnt the Old Docens right after the child porn was leaked in the Old Docen server, which was promptly nuked. Their original name was Rebel Authority.

This phase lasted until the 26th of september, 2023, where they became the Neodocens.

Arrest of Synthetic Docen

Some weeks after the neodocens were created (officially), their higher ranks began osinting and triangulating info about Synthetic Docen, the leader of the old docens. This went on for some days, as both Coppercool24's server and the Neodocens endured fierce attacks from the Old League, including but not being limited to child porn, child gore, gore, and porn. However, after a major rageshart from synthetic after he was denied the account of Coppercool24, he did a feusian slip and accidentally left tiny bits of his information. This resulted in synthetic being researched for a few more days. After resisting even more attacks from the old league, Unapoligetic, fern and mango docen from the third generation (le evil neodocen larps!!!!) eventually cornered synthetic inside the destroyed Pienob V3 server, along with his accholyte larpers and skids of the old league, mostly children or sick adults. (Sound familiar?) and doxxed him, and then soon promptly swatted him. This marked the downfall of the old league, which was eventually destroyed by both neodocens and PWNSEC.

Strangely enough, synthetic docen escaped jail somehow and spent 10 FUCKING DAYS!!! traveling to spain, where he was arrested again. It is theorized that he could have had contact with pwnsec in this time, but it's not confirmed.

You can find the entirety of the civil war in it's respective page.

Collapse of AOS

Angel Of Spades, owned by Syracuse, was dissolved in 2024, after PWNSEC and the Neodocens had a drama with them. This effectively killed them. The drama wasn't very intense, because nothing really important happened.

The war didn't have any specially interesting stuff to point out other than maybe the discovery of the jizzerhood by le evil pwnsec!!!

Discovery of Collabvm

Neodocens and PWNSEC discovered Collabvm after their initial attack. However, the neodocens didn't do a lot of important stuff in the drama.

Merge with PWNSEC

The neodocens became under the yoke of PWNSEC after their dramas together.



The alavoy company, Alavoy Docen or Pajeet (corp) is a "company" inside the Old Docen clan. Their de-facto purpose in jizzcord is being a secretive and ominous entity that orbits the Old Docens and acts as some kind of oracles for them. As funny as it sounds, the original name for the alavoy docen company was Pajeet. They were a lovechild between several pedophile clans and the Old Docens, and most of their members (which either used chatgpt or wasted in-any-other-way-useful skills in doing this) worked, spreaded (goatse style), (possibly) produced and defended the child pornography network inside the Old Docen league (& sphere), their leader, Kapo Parazamel, being a very very very very high ranking docen, was also a chief admin inside the child porn network. The role of alavoy docens inside the old league, apart from being ominous and larpy (if not completly skiddy too), was the role of carrying out specific highly important missions or tasks for the old docens. They did this in secret, unbeknownst to anyone outside of the very very high circle of the old docens. They were the creators, operators and commanders of Excavation Op(eration)s carried out by the old docens. This consisted of mainly coding to get to classic-docen-owned or neo-docen-owned servers or files; which would be used as a ore to be proccessed by the Alavoy comp. They got most of their knowledge from these excavation operations, and these operations poetically broke the old league apart, since their most infamous one was the one that started the civil war. Some of the excavation operations were just child pornography camouflaged as some kind of larpy archive. The leader of these operations was Kapo Parazamel. The alavoy company is also known for managing doxxes and information of and from the old docens. They were behind most of the hackings taking place during the docen civil war. However, these operations also included joining servers with groups of alts to suck out as much knowledge as possible (fancy schmancy way of spying). The base of the

excavation operations was destroyed by PWNSEC (c2x) some days after the rough and satisfying collapse of the second generation of docens (old docens). Most of the classic docen knowledge was gathered in alavoy-ran excavation operations, and most of this knowledge was modified if not corrupted or destroyed after the destruction of the alavoy docen mother server. The members of the alavoy docen company were skilled and many, as they were the biggest backbone of the Old Docenith dirt bags, and owned a big majority of the de-centralized old docen clans, also lost to time.  Not only were the alavoy docens responsible for all of this, but they were also blamed (and responsible) for the creation of rumors about Le evil fuckune!!, Le token grabber!! and Le evil pawnsex!!. Most of their members joined Halagetworld, UTTP or other clans. Their owner, Kapo Parazamel, killed herself while talking in the PWNSEC server. It is said that she either commited rorochan and jumped off her 12-story building to her death, or did a ronnie mcnutt and blew her own head open with a double-barreled shotgun. Their creation goes back to the 2020's, by the original founders of the old docen league (or second generation high council of old docens), as a way of spreading their knowledge, dark and inhumane fetishes and kinks, code and sometimes money. The Alavoy Company inside the second generation was composed of a looooooooooooot of excavation and extraction teams, with 3-4 members each, and in some cases, 1-2 members. These teams worked as a hivemind; they all either performed different tasks or united collectively to work on a single mission or objective. These teams are mostly forgotten, as they should, as knowledge about them was mostly destroyed by PWNSEC's nuking of the alavoy server. The teams inside the alavoy company were Asuba Bawana, which was, like it's name, used to spam gore and worse stuff on servers full of children, Albeit To Tomorow, which was a completly-larp-owned team sent on high-profile missions,  Albanian Redbats, which was a team sent to spam gore and porn on muslim servers,  Burdel Of Hope, which, in association with Basilisk of Oppression, spreaded the child pornography network across a big part of the unknown side of discord, under the pretext of it being some kind of holy thing. (a larp, obviously), Beautiful Demise, which was used to harass people into comitting self-harm (self-cuts, self-porn), suicide or worse, Basilisk Of Oppression, which was used as a link-brother of Burdel of Hope, and also was used to spread child pornography across neodocen-allied servers, minor-filled servers and muslim servers, Bliss Of Redemption, which was used as a "spying" group by the alavoys, and was sent to PWNSEC, Warsaw and other clans to gather knowledge and sometimes spread child pornography to servers. (Sound familiar, nymph?), Caller Dayter, which predicted and foreshadowed how dinorme would groom resen, was the team that manipulated early neodocens into believing Resen and Dinorme were behind their nukings. This team made it into the posterior alavoy league. Carlist Prowlers, which were spaniards, hispanics (beaners) working for the old league of docens and the alavoy company. They were behind a mayority of the child pornography's network content, and were hunted down en-masse accordingly. Their members are mostly unknown, though, as most of them quit after Frostbite Docen's hacking thanks to Le evil Pawnsex!!, Consul Of Blood, which, like it's name, sent gore and operated in a council manner. They also were responsible for the mayority of activity regarding the excavation operations leaded and carried out by the old-docen owned Alavoy Company (corp),  Cunts Of Warsaw, which were mostly behind the child porn incidents in warsaw, also used Warsaw's name as a fleshlight for unknown rumors to try and boycott them (This failed horribly and backfired, too.). They were also involved in the excavation operations carried out by the Second Generation, and were leaded by the very very own Kapo Parazamel, Dialer Of Verediction, which served as the high old docen / second generation docen council, and "executed" people who were agaisnt them (they'd just ipgrab or toxx them). Their homeserver was the one that got vandalized by the rebel docens once. Their leader was Semitic Docen, which, ironically, also leaded the Cunts Of Warsaw group, and the same person who would eventually go under Kyra and work for Seamus!!, Dossier Of Omnition, which was the capital team of the Old-Docen-Owned Alavoy Company, working as the main excavation team and the most-active gore, child porn and normal porn sending team inside the alavoy / pajeet company. Dormant Submission, which was used to groom minors and eventually indoctrinating them into the old docen league or eventually using them as a farm for underaged nudes. They fell when the civil war started, and their owner was the first old docen to get doxxed or hacker. Decision Petition (brother team of Prudent Decision), which was a security team for the child pornography network, acted as a core excavation team for child pornography-filled files disguised as Excavation Operations of the Alavoy Company, Energumen Killer, which hunted muslims down and eventually tried doxxing them or blackmailing them for nudes. Ironically, the owner of this group was Muslim. They also raided, nuked and toxxed servers full of minors, muslims, furries, faggots and weebs (for some reason), Fountain Of Youth, which was used as the capital team designated to the grooming, harassment and self-harm-causing of underage children and muslims. Their peak was in 2020. They were basically the owners of the child pornography network that the old docens used. Tenant Discretion, a link team of another team, did the same as them, and didn't differ from them, but their actions and methods were more violent and dominant. Safe Decision, which acted as some kind of rep department for the alavoy company and the old docens, which was ironic considering what the second generation of old docens and alavoy company docens did. Regardless, they were led by Zephirot Docen, and they met their end when the original second generation of old docens collapsed and then their owner got doxxed, Ossona-11, which was the main excavation team of the alavoy company owned by the Second Generation of Docens. They were behind the Child Pornography Fiasco that led to the civil war, they were also responsible for most of the official excavation operations carried out by the Alavoy Company & the Alavoy Docen League (aka NeoOld Docens), their owner is unknown, and their excavation operations led to the mayority of the modern knowledge we have about the classic docenith generation, or by default, the first generation of docens. Orchid (blue orchid), which was the sister team of Blood Orchid, used to hold all kinds of knowledge and code, and was the hometeam for Yernek Docen, the coder of the Child Pornography Network that the second generation of docens ran themselves. This team was destroyed when the alavoy docen server was nuked by LE EVIL PAWNSEX!!, so they resorted to merging with Blood orchid until their demise with the death of Kapo Parazamel Docen, and consequently, the death of the Alavoy Docen Company And League, partly also due to Polysynthetic Docen's actions, which were ironic considering how high Polysynthetic was in the hierarchy of the Second Generation of Docens and the Alavoy Docen Company and League. Prudent Decision, which was one of the least important excavation and extraction teams inside the Second-Generation-owned, and really didn't play any important role inside any of the excavation and extraction operations carried out by official teams, Because of that, their life was short and they were mostly used in wars agaisnt clans like Angel Of Spades, Holy Xamarian Reich, or Shadow Knights. They were also spot in warsaw right before Frostbite's Hacking, which further supports the theory that they're used as raiders, spies, nukers and social engineers. However, this was their last encounter, since they were never ever seen again since then. Their owner is unknown, but it's possibly a low-ranking alavoyfag docen, so it's clearly not that important. Ironically and paradoxically, they were behind the alavoy league's death, supposedly.  Pistol Holdster, which was the most aggressive team inside the alavoy company owned by the second generation of docens. They were made up by five alavoy company docens, and they were leaded by Zesty docen, which ironically, was not homosexual or gay. They were behind most of the child pornography attacks, content uploads to the child pornography, raids, nukes and "trolls" that used very very heavy gory content depicting minors or even, at some very very bad points, babies or fetuses. Their start supposedly took place in the beginning of the alavoy company itself, being assigned by Synthetic Docen as their personal "assasins" (extreme larp alert..). The leader of this team was, ironically, nymph docen, which wasn't even an alavoy docen. They were the last to leave the alavoy league once it began crumbling down. After then, nothing is known about their former members, other than they might have merged into Halagetworld or UTTP.

The alavoy company's most infamous member is Yernek, the owner and creator of the Child Pornography network inside the Second Generation of Docens. The Alavoy Company eventually replaced the old docens once Nymph Docen killed himself in a unknown way after his address got leaked by the Neodocens and Le Evil Pawnsex!!!!!!!, leading to the alavoy company / docen league to dominate the old docenith sphere, being the puppetmasters of child pornography spamming, distribution, possible production and consumption of child and animal content. They might have had ties to Chaos Gang, TKT and VDU. After the leader of the alavoy league of docens died (kapo parazamel), they went anarchic, and in some (or, per se, no or close to no) time, polysynthetic would destroy all of it, leading to Old Docens being part of history. The alavoy company was behind most of the old docen ties to the brotherhood and collabvm, which was mostly how they discovered PWNSEC and Warsaw in the first place. This is not only due to their presence in the discord pedophile scene, but due to their almost unknown state, which gave them a secretive layer, protecting them from being found for some time. This didn't save them from time, and Frostbite's hacking only deepened the wound they received with the Docen Civil War and the Tyranny "war". This resulted in them, after just being "born", seeking protection by UTTP clans, most importantly, Emperor AnimeSucks. This led to Kapo Parazamel docen and her league being shielded from the Neodocens, Le evil warsaw!!! and Le evil Pawnsex!!!. This didn't last though, because the alavoy docens got discovered and kapo parazamel shot herself soonly after. This is funny, because kapo parazamel painted herself as a strong and temple woman.

Child Porn Network

Owned by Yernek Docen, was the main weapon of the Old Docen / Second Generation, and was used to perform the will of the Old Docen's of spreading child pornography to each of the offspring clans of the Old League and to other wrong-doing clans. The discovery of the child porn network led to the civil war.

Generation Biographies

Second Generation

The user portrayed in this page is a member of the Second Generation of the Docenith Order.
This means they're a Old Docen.

Sauerkroko, Second Generation Docens, Classic-To-Old Transitional Docens, or simply Old Docens is the second biggest Docen generation counting with about 100-110 Docen members. Most of the group was compromised by expert hackers, expert Docen-oppers, scribes, raiders, etc. However, most of the group were also pedophiles, supporting child pornography and actively spreading it via the sharing and consumption of child pornography via a network in an unknown website that is already down. The Old Docens were founded on 2016, one or two years after the dissolution of the Classic Docens, and about 7 years before the creation of the Third Generation. Their leader is Synthetic "Disc(ord) Noob(ie)" Docen (2016-2023) and then Nymph Docen (2023-2024). They broke up and dissolved the 10th of February, after the end of the civil war and after their leader Nymph disappeared, leaving whoever supported them to become independent; such as the Alavoy divisions, or the Pro-Tyranny Anti-Graphene Liberation Front, which had Docens form them (1) or Docens mix with R-UTTP (2).


Alpha DocenithAsbestos DocenBeta DocenBromine DocenBronze DocenCharlie DocenDelta DocenFoxtrot DocenFrostbite DocenGold DocenKinlyyn DocenKhirismos DocenKappa DocenKapo (parazamel) DocenLonestar DocenMonosemitic DocenMonosynthetic DocenMonohelenos DocenMonomineral DocenNirn DocenNymph DocenOmnisemitic DocenOmnisynthetic DocenOmnihelenos DocenOmnimineral DocenOmega DocenPolysynthetic DocenPurebloodaryan DocenPolysemitic DocenPolymineral DocenPsi DocenPolyhelenos DocenSilver DocenSynthetic DocenSissy "Proto" DocenSemitic DocenTopor "Trenny" DocenUnapoligetic DocenUrchin DocenVelvet DocenVeshlamar DocenYernek DocenZephirot DocenZion DocenZero DocenZesty DocenZorcuandael DocenZagonte Docen

Classic Docen:

The First Generation was ominous, secretive and hideous. They were actual hackers and not skids like the second generation of docens. They were nicknamed "Classic", for some reason. The first generation worked in similar fashion to Le evil pawnsex owned by le linux skid triofag!!! . They were the second biggest generation behind the old docens. Their most notable members are Polysemitic Docen (aka Lapislazuli) and Lonestar (aka Fuckune's Nightmare) Docen. They used Telegram to function.

Third Generation:

This user is related to the First or Second iteration of the Third Generation of the Docenith Order
This means they're a Neodocen.

The Neodocen Clan is a Docen-Op Specialized group and a sub-division of the normal Docen group.

Neodocens are characterized by their elite skills in both manipulation, sometimes hacking, but most importantly, Docen-opping and opsinting. Their leader is Tokan , known formally as Unapoligetic Docen.

The Neodocens commonly attack people that spread or distribute, or sometimes, create child porn, or other illegal stuff, they are widely considered a whistleblower group, although they mostly work splitted, most of them usually working together most of the time.

They speak Docenith, a subvariant of the classic Docenith, spoken by the first and second generation of Docens.


Ammo DocenAkuma DocenBritish DocenCopper DocenCyan DocenDayter DocenFern DocenGlass DocenKebab DocenMiguel DocenMango DocenMelosi DocenPolysemitic DocenPurple DocenPuggy DocenRick DocenSinaloa DocenSmiley DocenRick DocenUnapoligetic Docen , Floop Docen, Monoarabic Docen, Polyarabic Docen, Bellic Docen, Sleepy Potato Docen, Tetrahedrite Docen, C2X docen, King docen, Keitel Docen, Henry docen, OMAX docen, Else docen, Techy Docen, Akatsiya docen.

Notable members

Unapoligetic Docen - leader of the third-gen.

Lonestar Docen - supposed leader of the first-gen.

Synthetic Docen - leader of the second gen

Alpha Docenith - Old Docen version of Thinlatvia, a hot copy of his personality, literally. Incredibly cocky. A docenith (commander) of his generation.

0sploit Docen - A useless skid who reported himself as a spy. Neodocen.

Nymph Docen - posterior leader of the second gen

Kapo "Parazamel" Docen - touchless virgin who liked to blackmail minors into sending nudes. blew her own brains out randomly on PWNSEC. Leader of the Alavoy company.

Polysynthetic Docen - redeemed old docen who was forced to work with thinlatvia. used to be a docenith.

Resen - cuckold who got pwnsex limited and the cuck behind the pwnsec is evil protest. Used to be neodocen prophet.

Mango - actual smart guy who made it possible for the neodocens take down Disc Noob. Used to be a neodocen prophet.

Frostbite Docen - sperg behind the child porn incidents in both warsaw and pwnsec. his account got hacked by unapoligetic docen. High rank of the second generation.

C2X - influential guy who owns PWNSEC (and therefore most of Neodocen). Used to be a neodocen.

Notable Drama

Tyranny-DuckCult-Neodocen War

Docen Civil War

Wars on Aos

Brotherhood Drama

Current Status of Docens

Second Generation

The user portrayed in this page is a member of the Second Generation of the Docenith Order.
This means they're a Old Docen.

Synthetic Docen / Disc(ord) Noob / Synth:

Behind The Bars.

The leader of the Second Generation was arrested in Romania during the finale of the year 2023, thanks to the Neodocens. He escaped and somehow made it to spain, where he was arrested again. Rumors say he's in a Asturian prison.

Nymph Docen / Nymph:


The last leader of the official second generation of the Docenith Order killed himself after he got reported to the police department in Chicago. The methods he used to take care of himself are unknown and will possibly stay that way for years to come.

Kapo (docen) Parazamel / Parazamel / Kapo / Polyamorous Docen:


The last leader of the Old Docens, and the prime chief of the Pajeet Company of the Second Generation of the Docenith Order. After she got bullied in the third PWNSEC server, she got unbearably butthurt and hurt, so she jumped off the balcony of her eleventh story high building (she lived in the 11th floor).

Polysynthetic Docen


Polysynthetic docen redeemed himself and joined PWNSEC and Warsaw to some extent after he nuked the remnants of the Alavoy Company of the Second Generation of the Docenith Order following Kapo's death.

Frostbite Docen


Frostbite, after being hacked, didn't give any signs of life. Literally dissapeared, and no more info from him has been known since. Some sources point

to him being a member of the orbit of Seamus Creemens

Alpha Docenith


Alpha Docenith, like frostbite, dissapeared from Discord and the Old Docen scene following the arrest of Synthetic Docen.

Semitic Docen

Joined Halagetworld (to a extent)

Semitic Docen has been seen both sending child pornography in PWNSEC and on some occasions, Warsaw. His identity shifts every time, apparently, so it's always hard to track him unless he goes rageshart mode.

Yernek Docen


That's right; the worst monster inside the Second generation of the Docenith order ended up with a unknown fate.

Unapoligetic Docen


Redeemed himself by basically destroying everything related to the Old Docens, and ironically, wrote this article, too. Not gonna glaze myself, but i am a member of Warsaw, PWNSEC and i lead the Neodocens.



Redeemed themselves by joining the Rebel Docens and working agaisnt the Second Generation of the Docenith Order. Currently working with PWNSEC, Warsaw and the Neodocens (non-officially).

Charlie Docen


Killed by two (former) members of the Second Generation of the Docenith Order that lived near the same street as him, and his body was never found.

Beta Docen


Left the Second Generation of the Docenith Order after a mayor hit to said group. Used to be a very high ranking officer of the Old Docens.

Omnisynthetic Docen


Nothing about her has been known ever since she stopped leading the Old docens following the arrest of synthetic docen.

Lonestar Docen

Working For The Goverment

After being pretty much theorized to be the leader of the first generation of the docenith order and being a ever so slightly important member of the second generation of the docenith order (old docen league) and a slightly important member of the Pajeet corporation, he left the old docen (and docen as a whole) scene to work an actual job. Nobody really knows what goverment he works for, but knowing he always mentioned the United States, it's very possible that he became a fed. This information was revealed right before the destruction of the alavoy company server (and the old docen league as a whole) according to polysynthetic docenith.

It's possible that Lonestar has made contact with PWNSEC recently, but no official sighting has been reported or confirmed to date, so it's very very very very unlikely that Lonestar Docen is still active in discord or the internet as a whole, probably focusing on his job inside the Govermment of whatever nation he works for.

Polysemitic Docen


Rebelled agaisnt the Second iteration / generation of the docenith order alongside Unapoligetic Docen. Responsible for a lot of things that shaped the Third Generation of the Docenith Order as we know it.

Currently, she hasn't been very active, but she is a member of PWNSEC and Warsaw 3 sewer pig alongside Unapoligetic docen.

Third Generation

This user is related to the First or Second iteration of the Third Generation of the Docenith Order
This means they're a Neodocen.

(Father) Monoarabic Docen


Monoarabic Docen, also known as Envixity, is still an active and very very high-in-the-hierarchy member of the Neodocen league. He is a active and very prominent member of both the third iteration of the PWNSEC server, Warsaw 3 [SEWER PIG]

He also is a member of Bonzipedia, so you might aswell see his edits from now and then. In contrast to Unapoligetic, he can code.

C2X Docen


C2X Docen is a very very high ranked member of the Third Iteration of the Docenith order and the Second iteration of the Third Generation of the Docenith Order. He owns PWNSEC and is a member of Warsaw 3 [Sewer Pig]. He technically owns the Neodocen League and the Second Iteration of the Neodocen League, as they are a subgroup of PWNSEC. Funnily enough, he was important enough to have a second-generation-docen squadron named after him: the Trioptic Is A Nigger squadron, which is based of his previous username: Trioptic. To date, it's possible that he might have had contact with minor or high-ranking second-generation docens.

(Father) Floop docen


Floop Docen is still a member of the first and second consecutive iterations of the third generation league of the Docenith Order. He leads a significant part of the first and second iteration of the third generation league, and is a Omnidocen like Monoarabic Docen. However, he didn't fight in the Docen Civil war between the third and second generation leagues of the Docenith Order. He is a junior mod in PWNSEC, and isn't a member of Warsaw 3 [Sewer Pig].

(Father) Copper Docen

Unknown, possibly Dead

Copper docen had a short run in the newborn first iteration of the Third generation league of the Docenith Order, being mostly it's owner but limiting himself by not directly joining it until very close to the creation of the Neodocens as a independent group. Ironically his server was nuked and he was doxxed over being offensive towards muslims. However, he did lead the operation agaisnt Synthetic Docen that leaded to his arrest, so i'll give him that. However, his status is unknown, since he basically vanished after some standoffs agaisnt Fern Docen.

Polyarabic Docen

Became a Pedophile and a Creep

He left the first iteration of the Third Generation League of the Docenith Order after Dayter Docen leaked his dms with Polyarabic, in which he openly talked about jerking off to porn and sending porn to a minor. Soon after, he got exposed for admitting to have masturbated to Dayter Docen and for admitting being into kids. He also got jailed in PWNSEC for sending gore and ipgrabbers in Bonziworld, owned by Warsaw 3 [SEWER PIG].

(Father) Mango Docen


Absolutly nothing is known about mango's whereabouts ever since some days after Synthetic Docen got doxxed by the First Iteration of the Third Generation League of the Docenith Order. He and Fern Docen held a very close link, and that's possibly why he left discord never to be seen again. He used to be a Third Generation Prophet. He did help in the Docen Civil War.

0sploit Docen

Got kicked for being useless

0sploit, less commonly known as Monomineralic Docen, got kicked off the First Iteration of the Third Generation League of the Docenith Order for being useless and for admitting to have coded a if.true sequence nukebot in a week. He also got kicked for puking in his own mouth by saying he was the "best elite hacker inside pwnsec afterall" and being publicly humiliated for it.

Sleepy Potato Docen


Sleepy potato docen got banned from the first and second iterations of the third generation league of the Docenith Order for not making or contributing to anything regarding his league. Nothing has been known ever since.

(Father) Dayter Docen

Active but no longer a Neodocen.

Dayter left the neodocen league after he felt not being useful and not being able to contribute anything to it. He got groomed by Polyarabic Docen. He used to be a very high ranking docen back in the First climax of the Docen Civil War. He was a prophet of the first iteration of the third generation league of the Docenith Order, and was close to Sinaloa docen.

Sinaloa Docen


Sinaloa Docen has been unactive ever since he left the First iteration of the third generation of the Docenith Order, due to him not being able to code (i'm being a hypocrite) and due to not doing anything or being active. Is the reason why Anthony (soon known as Anthony Docen) went to war with the first iteration of the third generation league of the Docenith Order. However, he did help Unapoligetic Docen in the Docen Civil War (or Docenith War of Transition). Thanks to him, Unapoligetic Docen and eventually the first iteration of the third generation league of the docenith order (neodocens) discovered C2X and PWNSEC (formerly Trioptic and Duck Cult), but thanks to him, too, the First iteration of the Third Generation League of the Docenith order lost valuable resources and also lost the most important resource in life: time.

(Sister) Fern Docen

Unknown, possibly Dead.

A very high ranking member of the newborn first iteration of the Third Generation League of the Docenith Order. Helped unravel copper's actions and ultimately helped the First iteration of the Neodocens become a independent group from Coppercool24's Pienob server. However, he used to be Copper's ex, so this came with an emotional burden. However, since he was gay and living in Russia, he had to go on exile and escape from his parents. He escaped, but it was never known if he made it out dead or alive from the country.

Helped a lot with Synthetic Docen's doxx, and ultimately this leaded to the start of the downfall of the First Iteration of the Second Generation League of the Docenith Order. However, last time the First iteration of the Neodocens heard about him, it was close to mango's last message, so it's possible that they escaped together and eventually lived together.

(Brother) Rick Docen

Got kicked for being useless

He was expelled from the First iteration of the Third Generation league of the Docenith Order since all he did for the Neodocens was literall just play fortnite and ignoring plans. He was rarely active, and when he was, he didn't do jackshit. Got expelled in the First purge of the First Iteration of the Third Generation League of the Docenith Order. His friend, which i don't remember the name of, also wanted to be a neodocen, but never did because Rick got banned and after that he must have forgotten that the third generation of docens even existed in the first place. Didn't help with the civil war.


Docenith Prefix (any gen) Syntaxis Definition and Characteristics Examples of this Terminology being used
Poly- Poly-(name) Docen Poly- means that this docen is linked to the naked docen using the same name. This means that they work together in most operations or that

both of these docens have a defensive link; the Poly- prefix user will "defend" the naked docen that shares his tag.

Polysynthetic docen, which is Synthetic's Docen bodyguard.

Polyarabic docen, which is Arabic (dayter's) Docen's link brother.

Mono- Mono-(name) Docen Mono- means that they're a more strategic docen linked to their link naked docen sharing their same name. This means that within their naked docen's

squadron, Mono- prefix using docens strategize and make plans that the Squadron follows. Alternatively, it's also used to refer to higher members of a squadron.

Monoarabic Docen, which is the strategic docen inside Arabic (dayter) Docen's squadron.

Monomineralic Docen, which is a higher member of Mineralic Docen's squadron.

Omni- Omni-(name) Docen Omni- means the more boots-on-the-ground (or more direct) docen inside a naked docen's squad. This means they're more participative in raids, nukes or social engineering. Omni- prefix using docens also serve as sub-commanders for their squads, the commanders being the naked docen. Their last use is linked to the Alavoys, which is spying or gathering info. Omniarabic (0sploit) Docen, which is the boots-on-the-ground docen inside Arabic (dayter) Docen's squadron.

Omnisynthetic Docen, which is the sub-commander of Synthetic Docen's squadron. Omnisemitic Docen, which is the spy docen inside Semitic Docen's squadron.

Naked Docen (name) Docen Serve as either independent docens or as squadron leaders for docens that use docenith prefixes. This isn't a prefix, though, just a denomination for certain docens. These docens serve as commanders inside their own squadrons, and transmit information from higherups directly to their squad. Naked Docens are also seen inside the Docenith Generational Iterative Council or inside overpopulated squadrons (more than 4). Arabic (dayter) Docen is the naked docen responsible for the leadership of the Arabic squadron.

Mango Docen is the naked docen that works as a member of the Docenith Generational Iterative Council (DGIC).

Alavoy Docen (Same as a normal Docen or a naked Docen) Serve the same purpose as Omni- prefix using Docens, which is why the alavoy company is filled with docens that use that prefix. Alavoy Docen is a term used to denominate Docens that work secretively; or are hidden to the public. This means that they don't partake in operations, and if they do, it's under the identity of someone else. Alavoy Docens usually serve as spies or as rookie coders, and they were dissolved after the fall of the Second Generation League of the Docenith Order. Omnisynthetic Docen is an alavoy docen inside the Second Generation.
Brother Brother (name) Docen In the early days of the First Iteration of the Third Generation League of the Docenith Order, male docens were denominated as Brother Docens, which is ironic since docen means Brother. All male Docens previous to some months after the copper nuking had this name, or if they were a council member, they'd have the name Father.

This name is still used in extremelly rare cases in off-springs of the Third Generation.

Brother Rick Docen is a member of the Third Generation of the Docenith Order.
Sister Sister (name) Docen. In the early days of the First Iteration of the Third Generation League of the Docenith Order, female docens were denominated as Sister Docens, which is ironic since docen means Sister in some cases. All female Docens previous to some months after the copper nuking had this name, or if they were a council member, they'd have the name Mother.

This name is still used in extremelly rare cases in off-springs of the Third Generation.

Sister Fern Docen is a member of the Third Generation of the Docenith Order.
Father Father (optional) Omni-, Mono-, Poly-,(name) Originates from the first day of the First Iteration of the Third Generation League of the Docenith Order. Male council members would have this title, and it's still being used. During the heat of the Docenith Transition Fiasco, the "Father" title was replaced by simply "Prophet", being Arabic Docen the only "Prophet".

This is a contrast to how the Second Generation used the title "Parazamel" for some time as a title for male and female members of the Docenith Iterative Generational Council; only being used in the beginning of the Second Generation Docen League's lifecycle.

Father Monoarabic Docen is a member of both iterations of the Third Generation Docenith Iterative Generational Council.

Prophet Resen is a member of both iterations of the Third Generation Docenith Iterative Generational Council. Kapo "Parazamel" Docen is a member of the Second Generation Docenith Iterative Generational Council.

Mother Mother (optional) Omni-, Mono-, Poly-,(name) Originates from the first day of the First Iteration of the Third Generation League of the Docenith Order. Female council members would have this title, and it's still being used. During the heat of the Docenith Transition Fiasco, the "Mother" title wasn't replaced by the title "Prophet", so there were zero female Prophet Docens.

This is a contrast to how the Second Generation used the title "Parazamel" for some time as a title for male and female members of the Docenith Iterative Generational Council; only being used in the beginning of the Second Generation Docen League's lifecycle.

Mother Polysemitic Docen is a member of both iterations of the Third Generation Docenith Iterative Generational Council.

Kapo "Parazamel" Docen is a member of the Second Generation Docenith Iterative Generational Council.

Docen Tag Docen Tag + Docen Is a docenith terminology to refer to the name that each Independent or Squad-Member Docen has, and every single docen has a Docen Tag. These docen tags are always in the beginning (naked), or are adorned with a Docenith Prefix (Brother, Sister, Mother, Father, Poly-, Mono-, Omni-.)

These docen tags are the same in squad-members but different in independent ones (Monoarabic Docen, Polyarabic Docen, Omniarabic Docen, Arabic Docen) (C2X Docen, Floop Docen, Techy Docen). In certain Docens, they have a second Docen tag. This only happens in squad members. These are called Libenary Docen Tags, and are used as a secondary name used more commonly by a Docen. These libenary docen tags are almost always nicks chosen in the beginning and they can't be changed.

C2X is the docen tag that C2X Docen uses.

0sploit is the libenary docen tag that Omniarabic Docen uses.

Docenith Tag The name of the League. Is the name given to members of a generation of the Docenith Order. "Old Docen" is the docenith tag for the Second Generation.

"Neodocen" is the docenith tag for the Third Generation.

League Tag Generation Name Is the name given to the generation of a docenith order. "Old Docen League" is the league tag for the Second Generation.

"Neodocen League" is the league tag for the Third Generation "Classic Docenith League" is the league tag for the First Generation.

Official Name League Tag / League / Nickname Year of Foundation Companies Leader(s) Denomation Docenith Tag Iterates or forms a bubble for the Docenith Generational Iterative Council. Leader of said Docenith Generational Iterative Council Year of Death
First Generation League of the Docenith Order Classic Docen, Docenith League, First League. 2011 (original) Blood Orchid Unknown Docen Yes Unknown (possibly Lonestar) 2013
First, Second and Third iterations of the Second Generation League of the Docenith Order Old Docens, Old Docen League, Second Gen, Second League 2014 Alavoy Company, Blood Orchid, Child Pornography Network Synthetic Docen, Nymph Docen, Kapo Parazamel Docen Old Docen Yes (1st and 2nd iterations) Kapo "Parazamel" Docen 2024
First and Second iterations of the Third Generation League of the Docenith Order Neodocens, Neodocen, Neodocen League, Third Generation, Neodocen Order 2023 Akuma's docen Unapoligetic Docen, (former) Polysemitic Docen. Neodocen Yes (1st and 2nd iterations) Monoarabic Docen Still Functional
Docenith League upon which this iteration depends on Official Name League Tag Year of Foundation Leader(s) Denomination Docenith Tag Year of Death Members (in total, in or out)
Second Generation Backup Leadership of the Old League Second Iteration of the Second Gen 2023 Omnisynthetic Docen Old Docen 2023 400
Second Generation Nymph Second Generation Third Iteration of the Second Gen 2023 Nymph Docen Old Docen 2024 200
Second Generation Alavoy Second Generation Fourth Iteration of the Second Gen 2024 Kapo Parazamel Docen Alavoy Docen 2024 100
Third Generation Rebel League agaisnt Child Pornography Rebel Docens 2022 Unapoligetic Docen, Bronze Docen, Polysemitic Docen, Akuma Docen Rebel Docen 2023 200
Third Generation Neodocen Brotherhood (september-november 2023), Neodocen League (december 2023 - june 2024) Third Generation 2023 Unapoligetic Docen, Mango Docen, Polysemitic Docen Neodocen 2024 50
Third Generation Second Iteration of the Neodocen League Second Iteration of the Third Generation 2024 Unapoligetic Docen, (formerly) C2X Docen Neodocen Still Alive 20