If you want an account, contact Ziggy via Discord: @ziggymoncher_. Read BonziPEDIA:Requesting accounts for more details. Autoconfirmed time requirement reduced to 6 hours!
I was a lower king on bonziworld.org. I'm pretty lifeless when I have no shit to do, so I spend most of my day inside, on my PC.
I own a failed retro phone channel called Some Seville. I haven't uploaded a new video in like 6 months, even if I have 2 already recorded and edited. Most of the views and subscribers came from a reupload of the 30 Seconds To Mars (their old stuff BANGS btw) music video for "The Kill". I originally uploaded it because the music video was blocked in Serbia, but after 30 Seconds To Mars unblocked it here, I still kept it up. It's strange that most of the views came only after the original video was unblocked, though.
I've started writing the Shar'an, which is supposed to be a collection of texts about phone collectors and staples of phone collecting, but it only ended up as one chapter.
More information about me is available on my article. Tell me no more and I don't really care if you guys will tell me that I am a bitch who does the opposite side of me and attacking the owner of BonziWORLD.org, I was defenselessly arguing with Jabba and then I got into a bad user list. WHAT KIND OF TOPIC IS THIS?! I have left Warsaw, and had King even after I left, but got it revoked after leaking the kingword (wanted to see some shit go down, but it was way tamer than I thought it would be. Kinda sucks as there wasn't much of a shitshow and I still lost king. Was fun when I leaked it to my friend but afterwards it wasn't really that fun when everyone became King).
And right now, I am playing with my ukulele because I am a stupid idiot who admin abuses by jewifying and nuking people for nothing, and I can't let this thing go! As you can see right now, I'm still playing it and Toxic Gossip Train is perfect for me which people told me that my apology was still too weak. Guess what, I will continue shitting around the PhoneFag community called "ROMphonix Club" and attack wackypack for his orders he actually made.