If you want an account, contact Ziggy or any other admin via Discord: @ziggymoncher_. Read BonziPEDIA:Requesting accounts for more details. Autoconfirmed time requirement reduced to 6 hours!
User talk:Ziggy
Tell Fune he has new messages on this wiki (it's about a way to block the BWR spam). SeamusIsANigger (talk) 18:15, 10 October 2023 (UTC)
Welcome back
While you were away, Fune gave me admin on this shitty wiki. I've been trying to enact quality control on this wiki (and I'm making a guide on how to make an actually good article). You could help me with said guide if you want. SeamusIsANigger (talk) 22:39, 16 December 2023 (UTC)
- Also can you still log into your last Dickscord account that was ever on Warshit (pooperald/halagatgaming4)? SeamusIsANigger (talk) 22:56, 20 December 2023 (UTC)
Turn off autoblock when banning niggers
Whatever reverse proxy Fune is using doesn't pass along the client's IP (or passes it incorrectly); which means BonziPEDIA thinks everyone's IP is localhost ( Turn off "Automatically block the user's IP" when banning niggers due to this quirk; otherwise people without admin won't be able to edit. SeamusIsANigger (talk) 15:54, 25 December 2023 (UTC)
Message to ziggy:
Retarded 11 year old that still uses this website
- you are a butthurt kid lol SeamusIsANigger (talk) 15:13, 13 February 2024 (UTC)
stfu you ebolaids ridden niglet, go back to sucking your daddy seamus-kendrick's dick. -niggapoop
Bonzi yasin reposted something you previously deleted
explanation for editing diogo's article
I know Wrog Jobama for a long time ago, like in 2022, I got stumbled on something and talked to him... but every sentence structure that I said was grammatically terrible, he told me that my videos are not zero effort. Later I checked his YouTube channel via Discord profile or whatever and there was a lot of musical compositions including some british poem shit source which it got used for many times and their own friends where I did actually met them: Paper (2019) and woffy (2021) but who cares about them Jabbah27 (talk) 17:00, 27 May 2024 (UTC)
TemporarilyQuit template talk page
you literally destroyed my hard work in the "temporarily quit for months" template by removing it permanently
now it was gone for ∞ years, cause of you —Preceding unsigned message added by 489 (talk)
--Gexi the paperthing (talk) 14:05, 1 November 2024 (UTC)Bold text--Gexi the paperthing (talk) 14:05, 1 November 2024 (UTC)
hey zig
Aren't you want to create the Mao Page? If not, that's ok, because mao is just a sonofabitch ass faggot. that's all i should say.
excusme ziggy
why you deleted my template (talk) 18:32, 2 november 2024 (UTC)
The current owner; Ziggy, I have a really important message to tell you that I don't want my real name to be leaked because did you know what happened yesterday, my parents were too insane as they took one of my videos including my face which is not published on the internet and these are made for fun as well as making music, and some other stuff I made for shit. My mom told me to remove anything that includes my face has to be deleted, NOT archived (unless if I set the password, so they can't access it, and put it into my USB drive for zip passwords). Please remove including my real face, my real names, my personal information, report anything that has my real name, for example, DoxBin - posted sensitive information back in 2021 when I was dumb, has to be gone, so I can protect myself and my family, I want to browse happily without having to deal with them again checking if I restored something and they will get mad at me again. And also, my main YouTube channel was deleted because my parents forced me to do it, so I already did. All of my content was lost in time, because of my goddamn parents. My parents always say that his mother's son never did that shit but I am one who did that shit. Once my main YouTube channel was deleted, my parents are now watching my videos talking about my shit instead of going to my social media accounts but it wasn't since someone has been telling me that I am a degrade, psychopath, idiotic and pathetic when I changed the username to something else which is from my 2016 YouTube channel as I revived it in mid-2023. And when my parents keep watching my videos, I got a mental breakdown again and I started crying loudly but my parents don't care about me crying because they realize how stupid I was and I cannot control my absurd behavior, so she spanked me in the leg and this is brutally child abuse. I wish my mom and her aunt was arrested, so I can live a happy life without my parents punishing me for doing that. And in December 14th, 2024, I am quitting the internet for years until the situation gets resolved unless if I move into another house and continue working on by having a new YouTube channel in like... 2027? Nuh uh. I will not create YouTube channels until 2025 or something you might say... and that's all I can say... Goodbye forever. Jabbah27 (talk) 10:13, 14 December 2024 (UTC)
Ziggy please help
A user is raging on here because I redirected their shitty page to Shit nobody cares about. Please do something about this. BlakeIsHere (talk) 03:21, 21 December 2024 (UTC)
Do you need to change your plans into adding new security of this wiki or stay the same?
I am glad the damage was a basic one and easy to revert all the changes to prevent any damage to this wiki. I'm guessing there was one of the people who are in the community who started jewifying articles and making a lot of mess. Can't you be more optimistic to add new security options or something? Or try forcing people to join on Discord server and let them know if they want to have their own BonziPEDIA account as per request. That would be a good idea and I notice some wikis have the "Request an account" link for new people who will have to follow the requirements how to do this. Jabbah27 (talk) 21:07, 11 January 2025 (UTC)