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Shit nobody cares about

From BonziPEDIA, the Official BonziWORLD Encyclopedia of varied quality.
Revision as of 08:05, 7 March 2024 by Ziggy (talk | contribs) (Reverted edit by FroggerFrog (talk) to last revision by Niggapoop2)
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if you landed on this page, nobody cares about what you just said. Shut up.

List of shit nobody cares about (oh my science this is just like muh ED and soyjak wiki articles)

  • your article that got deleted/redirected here.
  • Someone calling you an asshole.
  • your hatred for that one niglet you have a butthurt vendetta over because he didnt like your shitty five autismilion BTNL.
  • you that thought there were BFDI full episodes on a fucking WIKI ABOUT A MONKEY SITE
  • your dogshit 8-word stub with horrible grammar and formatting.
  • Object shows and your favorite object OC.
  • Your shitty Replit hosted BonziWORLD server.
  • Your shitty room full of autists.
  • your garbage attempt at raiding the wiki that got reverted a few minutes later.
  • someone destroying your funyplace creation, especally if it was low effort.
  • How much you hate Fune and/or the kings; especially if they nuked you for posting kiddie shit like Battle for Dream Island and Alphabet Lore.
  • you bawwing that your parents took away your ipad.
  • Room 000.
  • room 50 and its autisitic inhabitants.
  • your crosscolor getting leaked.
  • your idea that got rejected.
  • you after you called fune "fuckune"
  • you crying that niggapoop and fune told seamuses mom about BWR. who forced seamus into shutting it down.
  • Klasky Csupo logo edits.
  • Your 40KB page on "kiddies you hate" (while being one yourself)
  • people posting porn, especally when the entire room throws a hissy fit over it.
  • You "hacking" Diogo after he told you his password.
  • how much you love seamus cremeens.
  • people spamming "behh".
  • people spamming in general.
  • this page.
  • every other page.
  • this entire wiki.
  • your impact on BonziWORLD and its community.
  • your impact on the world.
  • when you die.
  • everything you have done in the world.
  • your life, your legacy, and all traces of you.
  • you.
  • me.

List of shit everybody cares about

... .... . .............. ..... .. ... . ... ..... ... ... ... .. .. .. . . .

the joke is nobody gives a shit, do something productive, useful, and contributes to society instead of killing yourself eating mini dinosaur cookies and watching lankybox, you absolute fucking retard.

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