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Joke is a stub or is unfinished. You can help by editing it. |
On BonziWORLD, you may tell a random joke by using the /joke
command. This is a vanilla feature (a.k.a. a feature on the original BonziWORLD by Joseph Judge); meaning every single BonziWORLD server out there should have this command.
Messages List
Here are all known random messages you can get each time you use the command
Beginning messages
1. "Yeah, of course (NICKNAME) wants me to tell a joke."
2. "Haha, look at the stupid (COLOR) monkey telling jokes! Fuck you. It isn't funny."
3. "But I'll do it anyway. Because you want me to. I hope you're happy."
4. "Prepare for something Seamus never heard of"
5. "HUMOUR!"
6. "(NICKNAME) used /joke. Whoop-dee-fucking doo."
7. "(NICKNAME) asked me for jewish comedy."
8. "Prepare to be offended faggots."
10. "Wanna hear a joke?"
11. "No?"
12. "Then go fuck yourself."
13. "Hey niggers prepare for a joke."
14. "Time to make fun of black people."
15. "Kill yourself like a trans person, (NICKNAME)"
16. "Senpai (NICKNAME) wants me to tell a joke."
17. "Time for whatever horrible fucking jokes the creator of this site wrote."
Joke telling messages
- "What is easy to get into, but hard to get out of?"
- "Child support!"
- "Why do they call HTML HyperText?"
- "Sorry. I just had an epiphany of my own sad, sad existence."
- Two sausages are in a pan. One looks at the other and says "Boy it's hot in here!" and the other sausage says "Unbelievable! It's a talking sausage!"
- "What were you expecting? A dick joke? You're a sick fuck."
- "What is in the middle of Paris?"
- "A giant inflatable buttplug."
- "Why can't Asian people drive?"
- "Because I don't like them. That's the whole joke."
- "The twin towers deserved to be attacked by dirty arabs."
- "What goes in pink and comes out blue?"
- "Sonic's asshole."
- "What type of water won't freeze?"
- "Your mother's."
- "Who earns a living by driving his customers away?"
- "Nintendo!"
- "I was fucking a German girl"
- "For some reason she kept screaming her age"
- "Humans are like jokes!"
- "Not everyone likes the dark ones"
- "Free palestine? Jews love to take free things."
- "Why was six afraid of seven?"
- "Because seven was a sex offender"
- "What did the digital clock say to the grandfather clock?"
- "Suck my clock."
- "What do you call a man who shaves 10 times a day?"
- "A woman."
- "How do you get water in watermelons?"
- "Cum in them."
- "Why do we call money bread?"
- "Because we KNEAD it. Haha please send money to my PayPal at [email protected]"
- "How many arabs does it take to knock down a lightbulb?"
- "I don't know but just a few can knock down 2 towers."
- "What do you call an autistic child with herpes?"
- "Seamus Kendrick Cremeens from Sullivan, Ohio."
- "Here's a joke:"
- "Women's rights"
- "Why did Seamus' brother kill himself?"
- "He's trans (NOT she. Trannies aren't valid.)"
- "I like KFC, I have no water and I have huge lips. Who am I?"
- "A stinky black nigger."
- "How many Germans does it take to change a lightbulb?"
- "Wooden doors 6 million jews holocaust gas chamber genocide Auschwitz world war 2."
- "Why did the chicken cross the road?"
- "I don't know but jews are probably to blame."
- "What is a cow that eats grass?"
- "ASS"
- "I'm a comedic genius, I know."
- "How do you get a girlfriend?"
- "You rape one"
- How many kids died in Gaza, Palestine?
- 6 Gazilion!
End messages
- "You know (NICKNAME), a good friend laughs at your jokes even when they're not so funny."
- "And you fucking suck. Thanks."
- "Where do I come up with these? My ass?"
- "Do I amuse you, (NICKNAME)? Am I funny? Do I make you laugh?"
- "Please respond."
- "Maybe I'll keep my day job, (NICKNAME). Patreon didn't accept me."
- "Laughter is the best medicine!"
- "Apart from meth."
- "Now laugh."
- "You should tell these jokes to your mother!"
- "God I hate minorities so much."
- "Don't judge me on my sense of humor alone."
- "Help! I'm being oppressed!"
- Ok, let's get serious. I'll let you in on a little secret the feds don't want you knowing.
- Phones have a secret "Instant Charging" feature, you can enable it by microwaving your phone.
- I hope you're offended.
Removed Messages
These are all the removed messages that were only available in the old domain. bonzi.ga
Removed Beginning Messages
- "Im having a seizure"
- "This animation is funnier with the jew or seamus skin"
Removed Telling Joke Messages
- "This isn't a joke"
- "Behh"
- "Behh Behh"
- "-Shakespeare"
- "What happens when your dad and eggman meet"
- "david egan"
- "The reason I got your dad's name wrong is because your mother is a prostitute"
- "How many jews does it take to change a lightbulb?"
- "6 million"
- "How much is a woman?"
- "She's priceless."
- "Just kidding I saw one on sale for 4 palestinian shekels."
Removed End Messages
- "You'll never feel the touch of a woman."
- "funin time" (this will shit out earrape)
- The second message that comes before the random joke can leak crosscolors on bonziworld.org. This is mostly of help to phone users since they don't have Inspect Element. (This is now outdated since users can right click on a user and use Get Stats)