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"I love children!"

Seamus "Kendrick" Cremeens (AKA ItzCrazyScout, Seamusmario, Daisreich, DiesOfRays, FAGOTS) from Sullivan, Ohio is the BonziWORLD community's latest and possibly its greatest lolcow (AKA a BonziCOW). He is a 17-year-old autistic bipolar faggot and near-manchild with a god complex and a deceased transgender brother. He is currently working on his shitty BonziWORLD clone called BonziWORLD Revived. He has a cult/inner circlejerk that will RAPE you if you DARE to criticize Papa Cremeens. This cult is full of horrid 12-year-old logo kids and MSAgent spergs Seamus gathered to groom endlessly. Many believe Seamus Cremeens is a sick individual who should have never been born, but sadly God left us to deal with this dirty satanist motherfucker. Criticizing him is not recommended as he can get his circlejerk to attack you, and this involves people like donutscout flooding your DMS with child porn.



  • October 29th 2005: Mr. Cremeens was shat out of Leslie Cremeens' box and started his journey of failures.
  • 2015: Seamus starts out as a typical retard Objectfag youtuber with a throbbing boner for logo effects. Not much else is known and no one cares.
  • 2018: Seamus breaks up with his former lover Losky and then proceeds to call him a groomer with no evidence to back it; makes numerous false sob-stories about being molested by him.
  • 2019: Seamus makes some irrelevant video on BonziWORLD shutting down and ended up notifiying like 4 people of the new re-run (precursor to Seamus admits that his god complex starts here.
  • October 7th 2019: Seamus destroys with shitty viruses to make gnomes migrate to his awful website.
  • November 2019: Likely the first time Seamus geot doxxed by someone other than Losky (implying thats actually true and not Seamuses sob bs).
  • August 1st 2020: Seamus partners with OnuteWORLD and BonziWORLD FE.
  • August 5th 2020: Seamus rats on Ziggy and gets him banned from a server. "He harassed my good friend Diogo Mendes" -Seamus, right after Diogo grooms a child.
  • October 2nd 2020: Seamus quits his first bipolar episode.
  • March 2021: Seamus breaks up with DanielTR due to Seamus having a billion kiddies on his Discord friendslist (which he loves).
  • May 13th 2021: Seamus becomes bipolar for the 829047289579th time, and gets truly doxxed for the first time (including his face, which he leaked himself).
  • June 1st, 2021: Seamus identifies as Asexual for priDEMONth, likely to get Twitter dicksucking but also to have one more insult to throw at his TRANSFOBIX ACEPHOBIC NAZI CRITICS
  • July 2nd 2021: Seamus sends his TMAFE tranny drone army after Ziggy and Crypt.
  • July 3rd 2021: Seamus pussies out once TMAFAY retreats.

Response to the Wiki

Seamus noticed his pedophile friends being called out on the wiki. As a response, he mentioned it on his poorly formatted google doc, called it "the 3489247892th ED clone" (despite himself making 500 ED clones to cry about Losky and DanielTR), and then chimped out the community once again. Now the current BWR link leads to some shitty windows video. As with most retarded things he does, this will forever be a part of his history and he will never get to live it down.

BonziWORLD Revived

BonziWORLD Revived (BWR for short) is Seamus Cremeens' magnum opus. It is a port-forwarded bloated clusterfuck which grabs IPs and has terrible vomit-inducing features no one asked for. Seamus loves to spam advertise this horribly made abomination on BWR is usually devoid of any life: a complete desert similar to erik's server minus erik's 3 bots that say nothing and sit on the server constantly. BWR runs at 2 frames per minute (and that is if you have a quantum computer) and is filled to the brim with absolutely horrid custom colors and chars with irrelevant MSAgents and fucking BFDI characters. If you stay there longer than a minute without dying of AIDS you will see the server crash!

When it comes to the server's code, it's just as horrible as you'd expect. Seamus is incapable of patching ANYTHING properly without making his website unusable. In fact, to prevent LE JAVASKRPTE, Seamus settled on disabling the shortcut and CHECKING FOR THE HORIZONAL RESOLUTION FOR DEVTOOLS!

The grooming of Losky

Losky was Seamus' most notable victim. Violently groomed by the monster Seamus Cremeens. After Seamus got Losky's nudes, he ran off and proceeded to spread bullshit about how Losky groomed HIM (an utter lie). He attempted to doxx Losky several times for good measure to make sure Losky didn't spill the beans, but Losky eventually called the police on Seamus which got his electronics taken away and searched. Seamus disguised this as another one of his 500 quittings, but this one was longer. Of course, he got away since the nudes were all stored on some cloud drive, and got his shit back so he could continue to harass Losky. The story hasn't ended as to this day Seamus threatens Losky every chance he gets.

Seamus' Gnomes (AWFOB)

The trio that runs the Seamus community.

As expected for a groomer, many children worship him and many other groomers co-groom with him. This group was named "AWFOB" and nobody takes it seriously. Since most of his gnome slaves aren't relevant enough to have their own articles, any notable Seamus gnomes will be sub-sections of this.

Cosmic (Kelvin Frederick Walker)

A retarded skid who used to inject bw servers with broken javascript from pastebin, but now sees himself as a "noble fighter" who wants to destroy the "oppressive regime of" but in reality all he does is piss everyone off and gets his own information leaked. After 6 hours of non stop spam advertising on, he killed off the BONZIWORLDREVIVED memberbase, since he drove it's reputation into the ground. He also tried grooming a 13 year old girl named "Amelia", but ended up leaking his own information instead.

Donutscout (Weirdexistence)

A degenerate and pedophile who goes by 500 names, so only the 2 notable ones were mentioned. He is well known for saying he would rather fuck a child than a word overuser. He also has an obsession with Remote Desktops, because 1/10 of everything he writes involves SSH or something else related to remotely accessing servers. You can often see him saying "ONG LOHG ONTO THES SRVER XDDD 420.69.69.69:42069 NOT IP GRABBER!!". Logging onto the remote server, of course, leaks your IP.