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Unfinished, I will work more on this later - Jy

"Anarchy" is a category of servers on discord, where all staff has abandoned their account or the server leaving it without moderation. Some anarchies are intentional or include active staff such as the official server Warsaw. Anarchies are prevalent within the BonziWORLD community but are not limited to being related to it. Some of the most popular (and now deleted) anarchies include:

  • Geriworld
  • RodrigoWORLD
  • Yacine's server
  • Clippy 97 The Msagent Tuber's Server
  • Sebs World Of Fun
  • Socks 21 Numberblocks Server
  • David Khoa

A few of these servers had moderation of some kind during the first spike of popularity, but either the owners were neglectful, had their account disabled, or just left it to die out of the realization that their server was doomed to fail.


One of the most popular and long living anarchies to date. Possibly the beginning of it all, and just to show you how big it was, from October of 2021 to January 2022 it nearly increased by 200 members, which was insane if you were there to see it. The server was a sick clusterfuck hybrid of spergs, spics, 12 year olds obsessed with politics, logofags, objectfags, phonefags and even more. Nearly everytime you checked the server its main channel was active and packed with faggots. Everyday a person would join the server to start a meaningless argument or just raid the server. (SPOILER ALERT: it didn't affect anything in any way) Even though to the average Geriworld member it may seem like the server was always this way, it never was. In September 2020, Geri (AKA Hungaryball) shat out the server without thinking much of it. For an entire year, the server was only populated by people involved within Windows93's community and BonziWORLD Regulars. The only activity was just bickering from Gervo45 and MFSVE321 (See: Relevant Anarchy Members) between Seamus' Boyfriends/Win93 people.

Relevant Anarchy Members


For the most part didn't contribute much but an incredibly gullible lolcow and hardcore logofag. He was in anarchy from December 2020 to sometime in Early 2022. He hung around an obese nigger for his time in anarchy going under the name of MFSVE321. He got his face leaked and ended up leaking Gervo's own full name through vague messages. Gervo45 created servers every few day which always got raided then immediately raped by some person apart of the Windows93 community due to his said gullibility. If you piss off Gervo in an encounter with him, he will:

  • Spam "NO"
  • Edit a message you replied to with something like "Say {your message} if {halfassed insult}
  • say "SHUT THE FUCK UP"

It's easy enough to anger him by just posting his face or replying to his chimp-out with "YES". Another useless but ironic piece of trivia is he fucking DESPISES anything NSFW related, yet he hung around furfags and had Rule34 channels in his servers that lasted longer than 4 days.

Felix Celepota

A third worlder Toorkish niggerfaggot who obsessed over high internet speeds and being wealthy even though his own country has neither of those things. Always would flex his needlessly fast 900G INTERNETZ and swears on his life Turkay is the greatest country to ever exist when in reality it's a horrible dump.

David Khoa

Barely spoke or hung around anarchies other than maybe a few phonefag jerkcircles, but was responsible for creating the server under his name if that somehow wasn't obvious. David Khoa still is on the internet today but it's unknown whether he has a Discord account or not. He still actively uploads shittily recorded phone startups to his channel in true Phonefag fashion.

Sebs World Of Fun

An obvious larp/troll who feeds off of angered children and spergs alike (similar to Lisa Gaming Roblox). His entire Sebs identity is clearly satire due to his overuse of emojis and lackluster sense of humor. His catchphrase is "Hey sweeties" or "Omg sweeties" followed by a fuckton of emojis. He often would tell people to go vegan and supposedly sent EVIL NSFW CONTENT (SCUM OF THE EARTH). Sebs often times had a bunch of fucktarded mappers or underaged kids on his dick constantly getting on him for something as simple as sending his own catchphrase and has a shocking amount of videos attempting to "expose" him on Youtube.


Not super relevant but known for being extremely retarded, and a cucky hypocrite. In the beginning he just said nothing other than "Lmao" and was sort of obnoxious. Eventually he started sucking off Fune, and even spamming CP along with overusing nigger in an attempt to seem Tuff as FUCK. He often had typing patterns such as spelling "Nigger" as "Niggger" or having horrendous ways of getting things out. This would fuck him over when Jewish Gameing 69 arrived to Geriworld.

Jewish Gameing 69

When jew joined the server he would often spew out his catchline "ME JEW!!!!" or just spam and overall act like a sped. One noticable thing about him is he would say "Niggger" like Gino, and even typed like him. This led to everyone believing for an entire fucking YEAR that they were both the same person. When Catg was confronted his response was "It fucking gervo" and Jew would subsequently respond with "ME GERVO!!!!" leading people to believe it was a coverup on his alt. Jew's behavior led Catg into a state of depression and PTSD every time someone called Jew a Gino alt. It also made things worse when they both were seen spamming CP on alt accounts.