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From BonziPEDIA, the Official BonziWORLD Encyclopedia of varied quality.
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The compressed history of this pedophilic sped
Before 2020
- October 30th 2005: Seamus is shat out of Leslie's box and started his journey of failures.
- 2015: Seamus starts out as a typical retard ObjectFag youtuber with a throbbing boner for logo effects. Not much else is known and no one cares.
- December 2018: Seamus breaks up with his former lover Losky and then proceeds to call him a groomer with no evidence to back it; makes numerous false sob-stories about being molested by him.
- July 2019: Seamus makes some irrelevant video on BonziWORLD shutting down and ended up notifiying like 4 people of the new re-run bonzi.dega.io (precursor to bonzi.world). Seamus admits that his god complex starts here.
- October 7th 2019: Seamus destroys bonzi.dega.io with shitty viruses to make gnomes migrate to his awful website.
- November 2nd 2019: Likely the first time Seamus get doxxed by someone other than Losky (implying thats actually true and not Seamus's sob bs). The doxxer was MeatBallGaming, a (now) 21-year-old furfag fetish artist who used to be in good relations with Seamus (how unexpected).
- January: Seamus pounds the previously popular BonziWORLD server uranohoshi.in in the ass with raids and threats; forcing it to shut down.
- April 30th/May 1st: Seamus declares jihad on the Computernewb Wiki (CollabVM) after he gets his wiki raped for using their graphics (which just about shows Seamus's originality). Is only able to win because of Ziggy.
- June: first signs of bipolar faggotry show when Seamus fully bans the word "fag" using his dead troon bro as the reason, despite him having been dead for almost 3 years by then. Ironically before that, Seamus made very frequent use of the word "fag".
- August 1st: Seamus revives BWR for the upteenth time and partners with OnuteWORLD and BonziWORLD FE (back then considered to be the most retard thing to do).
- August 5th: Seamus rats on Ziggy and gets him banned from a server. “ He harassed my good friend Diogo Mendes ” —Seamus, right after Diogo groomed a child.
- October 2nd: Seamus quits his first bipolar episode.
- March: Seamus breaks up with DanielTR after he found out that Seamus has a billion kiddies on his Discord friendslist (which he loves).
- April: Seamus mostly resides in a Losky gossip GC where he and other supposed grooming victims circlejerk about how much they hate him.
- May 13th: Seamus becomes bipolar for the 829047289579th time (and for the 2nd major time), and gets truly doxxed for the first time (including his face, which he leaked himself).
- June 1st: Seamus identifies as Asexual for priDEMONth, likely to get Twitter dicksucking but also to have one more insult to throw at his TRANSFOBIX ACEPHOBIC NAZI CRITICS
- July 2nd: Seamus sends his TMAFE tranny drone army after Ziggy and Crypt.
- July 3rd: Seamus pussies out once TMAFAY retreats. Second bipolar episode is over.
- October: After Arda's IP gets leaked, Seamus makes some shitty TF2 meme with his IP on it.
- March: Seamus makes a "Dramatic Page" on TMAFE wiki that blatantly copies the ED style albeit "PC" for most part. This is not important but something to look towards when Seamus tries to shitsmear this wiki for VERY SLIGHTLY™ resembling ED.
- May 19th: Seamus shuts down BWR yet again.
- June: Seamus loses a server war between his then rival (later sextoy) Cosmic Xploitz
- October: Seamus gets salty over a small server called bonzi.ga at its infancy, getting one member. Diogo moving there caused all the other children to move too. Seamus then gets his domains raped first by his beloved TMAFE, then by Fune.
- November: Seamus favs and retweets lewd furries on Twatter, gives his enemies deadly ammunition. Also Seamus breaks up with DanielTR for the third time.
- December: Seamus sinks in popularity; declares war on bonzi.ga.
- January 4th: Seamus gets the bonzi.ga domain taken down, and in return gets ALL his domains and replits raped, bundled with a free DDOS.
- January 5th: Seamus declares BWR dead once again.
- February 25th: Seamus writes a half-assed document to once again unsuccessfully EXPOOOOOS the bad users of Warshit, starting the Doc Wars.
- March: Seamus rebrands BWR to BonziWORLD "Community Edition".
- June 8th: Seamus manually raids BonziPEDIA and gets banned in 0.00000000000002 seconds.
- June 9th: Seamus' IP is found in BonziPEDIA's edit logs. His site gets MOICed into oblivion like it was when he used replit to host it.
- June 30th: Seamus ragequits once again due to "ADHD", lies about his promise to never hang around children again (he shouldn't anyway given he's on his way to the sex offender registry)
- July 19th: Seamus ragequits even further and deletes everything on his youtube channel except for his half-assed exposal "series".
- August 2nd: Seamus reportfags bonziworld.org, the new bonzi.lol domain, and gets it taken down by tricking support teams into thinking he is the official owner of BonziWORLD. The domain is returned after Seamus is exposed for simply hosting a copy of bonziworld.org and having the AUDACITY to pretend his is legally official.
- August 3rd: Seamus yet again revives his failed BWR wiki on miraheze. Gets it raped.
- August 8th: Seamus shits out yet another textwall on his front page. He goes on to "spy" on Warsaw and replaces his textwall with another textwall, causing Warsaw staff to publish troon-destroying announcements, once again forcing Seamus to write another paragraph. This goes on back-and-forth until "The Shaker that Salted Seamuses Axe Wound" is released and announced. It mindbroke seamus so hard he ALMOST pussied out entirely.
- November 6th: Seamus goes into hiding, claiming he "no longer owns BWR". It was very quickly found out by Fune that this "new owner" was actually Seamus; with Seamass abandoning this LARP not soon after.
- December 1st: First year anniversary of BW.org winning over BWR. Seamus still hadn't ended the retarded war with bonziworld.org and was still coping by trying (and failing) to regain his userbase.
- December 24 through 27th: Seamus releases a shit ton of ragesharts on his login bubble
- December 28th: Seamus's parents are contacted by demin (then known as niggapoop) and later Fune, who force Seamus into shutting down BWR, ending a conflict that has been ongoing for over a year. Seamus then rebrands.
- Febuary 17th: seamus gets his dick leaked (or rather posted himself, deleted, and saved at the last minute) what makes this different from all the other times he sent his dick to his grooming victims is that seamus was 18 at the time, making it legal to own.
- Febuary 19th: an ebolAIDS bunker filled with Haglets, pedophiles, and cremeens himself called "project poyo offical" is leaked. causing seamus to say "fxxk you" and leave. following this the leakers/trolls gangrape PB123windows.
- February 20th: Seamus reopens some dead BWR FANDOM wiki he shat out a year earlier.
- March 16th: Seamus finds out Warshitter found out about his wiki. Donutscout rapes the wiki in an attempt to redeem himself to warshitters.
- March 17th: Seamus revives BWR... YET AGAIN! Does so under the domain bonkey.world. Expect another phonecall to Momma Cremeens. Also, in the same day, the fight between Fune and Seamus stopped.
- April 12th: Seamus revives BWR.......... FOR THE FUCKING FOURTH TIME![1] Hopefully another call from Momma Cremeens comes again! He currently rebranded it as BonziCHAT.
- May 28th: he gossips about catie to qtopia. the image is lost (it was provided by Kevonz), but it was basically seamus telling him how catie was an ''ex-diogofriend'' (wtf how do you even come up with such term?) & that he was pathethic for forcing diogo to do stuff. not only that, says that he has a piss fetish aswell.
- June 14th: He shits out the BW community's laughing stock, Forbidden Meme Website.
- June 15th: Seamus goes on a mental breakdown, with each day him providing us with some laughingstock community posts bawwing about the bw & its community. a few days pass & it got him so deep to the point he BAWWWLEETED his channel as a whole. perhaps one of the only few rare W's he's pulled.
- August 5th: Seamus got "annoyed" by le ebil BeehersWerid, which makes him decide to leave the wiki that FMW originated from, and especially, FMW baleeted by the admins of the very wiki. FMW:R also got affected by this, resulting it to be baleeted.
- August 11th: Seamus becomes transgender, and dates Kern3l. Now goes by the name ''Siobhan'' (Proof)
- September: Seamus writes another shit doc full of screenshot spam and his victim complexes.