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💩 "Truncate" was written by an illiterate retard.
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The server's icon

Truncate (aka "Truncock", "Truncunt" or "gg.gg/niggerhub") is the support server of Dave and his "project", SamVM, a shitty autist circlejerk that will be made for fucking niggers who don't have lives. It's a shitfest with almost 120 members, consists of random script kiddies from a German groomer community named "H Gang", objectfags, transformation artists, underaged kiddies, PRAWNSEX and Warshit members, Dave's alts himself, CollabVM addicts and haters, some random egirl nigger Indian scammers, UTTP niggers and it's variants, some random homophobes from a script kiddie server named "ITZSTEN YT SERVER" and Lomando fanboys. Several members from Warsaw including Failbox, who tf aqm i, YGL2K14, C2X, ANTI TJTLE249 SC, Polyarabic Docen and chacegolden are in his server. Dave often tests his "Third Panel Bot" here, the bot can spam random words in order to revive the chat. Yes, it does raid BFDI and scam servers.


Dave's server (I don't even remember the name exactly) (February / March 2023 - January 2024)

"Dave's server", "DavePlaysGames's server" or "Truncate 1" was a server owned by Dave. It had only 7-8 members, including MEE6 and a Vietnamese bot. It had no server PFP. The server was also vulnerable of "@everyone" pings and the addition of custom server icons. There was no moderators or administrators. The server was super, and we mean, super inactive that Dave had to delete it in January 2024.

Truncate 2 (previously "DavePlaysGames's skyscraper" and "normal chatroom") (February 2024 - Present)

This is the current Truncate server. It is now an Anarchy server full of trolls and CollabVM fetishists. The server is about "learning about cybersecurity" and posting transformation arts everywhere. Truncate has it's own flag. Many members from other servers (mostly BFDI, AUTTP and Warsaw) are invited there. There are also foreign members joining the server using DISBOARD. Most importantly, the owner now FEARS THE HOG!

This server was raided once and nuked twice. The raid happened in February 25 2024, where RUTTP members spammed animal gore in all channels. The raiders were banned shortly by Julia. The first "nuke" happened in March 13, Dave got hacked and spammed the ".gg/sexyhot" link in all channels, leading to 4 members leaving the server. One of them was a ZenesantTrollPolice kid who joined during the February 25 raid, and one of them was an administrator. The second nuke happened in May 18, Blockyperp hacked Anthonygamer9000's bot and nuked multiple servers with useless channels.


Current channels.

Category: important shit

#welcome-to-hell - The welcome/goodbye channel. Latest Windows Insider builds those nobody gives a fuck about are also announced here.

#samvm - The URL to SamVM, which is still work in progress

#rules - The rules. There are 11 rules. The server itself is anarchy, but those are added in order to prevent server termination.

#announcements - The announcement channel.

#news - The less active announcement channel.

#shitpolls - The voting/polls channel

#new-yt-uploads - Dave's YouTube channel's new videos. It was filled with George Floyd wearing a Nazi uniform and CollabVM stuff. (Dave was obsessed with CVM until he got banned for SamFloyding)

#backup-server - The link to the backup server

#how-2-get-upper-member - How to have more fun in there

#partnered-servers - Partnered servers. The first allied server was "Lambrini's server". However, all the 12 members there hated the third panel (FEAR HIM), Dave didn't add the server back after Blockyperp nuked the entire Truncate.

Category: automod

#hugbox - The private moderators-only channel

Category: loiced by sewer pig

slavic-forums - Forum filled with shits those nobody cares about

#goyneral - General. Filled with bot commands those are supposed to be in #bots and random MLP bullshits

#upper-member-chat - Same as general, but upper member and VIP can chat there. However, this channel is super dead as there's only one message of Dave saying "first"

#memes - Definitely an unused channel because the members want their memes to go to the general channel

#bots - Another inactive channel

#bump - Filled with Dave bumping the server using DISBOARD's /bump command

#balls - Countryballs channel. This seems to be the second active channel with #goyneral being the most alive

#roleplay - sucks a dick

#server-suggestions - Server suggestions. No one has ever posted here

#truncate - Channel full of advertisements leading to BFDI servers

#spamsmash - Spamming channel. C2X's Duckbot doesn't like that.

#venting - "i got banned off from warshit because i sent child porn!!!!!!!!"

#nsfw - Channel filled with porn. Actually, this channel is new so no one has ever sent any NSFW content here.

Category: loiced by third panel

ATTENTION! This category is full of inactive channels

#bugs-and-vulns-reports - Channel used to report bugs in SamVM.

#reporting-people - Both in this server and in SamVM posting child porno

#samvm-suggestions-n-complaints - Not for the server, the suggestions and complaints are for SamVM.

Category: bonziworld

#crosscolors - Another dead channel. Two crosscolor images are posted so far.

Category: voice chat

Ogólne - e-sex channel

stage - another e-sex channel

Category: fucktard hell

#coal-mines - THY JAIL. get to level 30 and get unjailed

#thy-laboratory - Argue and fight. Filled with KKK and George Floyd stuff sent by "the Klansmen"

Notable Truncockers

Truncate Administrators:

- Appleooof

- Arabic64 - one of the first members of Truncate

- Julia - also one of the first members. Sometimes bomb the spamming channel with gay porn and @everyone pings then later marks the channel as private temporarily.

- h - former administrator of Truncate, left the server because of Dave's account getting hacked in March 13, 2024. Rejoined in June 2024 but left again

Truncate Moderators:

- Mailbox AUTTP - has ties to Semitic Docen.

- ivorydevrimo - raided a pedophile's server

- Corner (LARP LAB RAT #0006) - former moderator of Truncate, demoted because of mental retardation in other servers

Note: he's also in Warsaw with the nickname of "Kriller Denzargendin"

- EmmyMalware (LARP LAB RAT #0011) - former moderator of Truncate, now jailed member because he supported a pedophile

- Steamy - former moderator of Truncate, demoted because of inactivity


- ai ohio - CollabVM hater who is good at trolling a massive retard named Pepoyo

- C2X - same as ai ohio, but he also likes testing the CyberSecurity Bot. Also, he's the owner of PWNSEC.

- Dominican Dominator - only stays in the server to use Ballsdex and Empireballs. Nothing else. No chatting, no sending memes, no everything.

- rafaelduarte - always try to ping @everyone with his "BW clone"


- OveRDrivI - former member of Truncate. He is 16-year-old Singaporean who acts like a pedophile and likes underaged cartoon characters. His X username "Osage Chicken Sandwich" (OCS - Osage Chan Sex) says it already!

- GetMbr (LARP LAB RAT #0001) - a 13-year-old porn lover who always tries to piss the owner off, but always fail

- Pepoyo (LARP LAB RAT #0002) - a 14-year-old autist who has mental retardation and is obsessed with his friend "Leokids". He also identifies as a girl in order to larp as the real Pepoyo.

- AEofficial (LARP LAB RAT #0003) - An underaged kid who showed off his dick in a server with minors

- Shizuka Mikazuki/Sleep Mod (LARP LAB RAT #0004) - Hentai addict who is also retarded. Co-owner of the mentioned grooming server "H Gang"

- derma uttp (LARP LAB RAT #0005) - a UTTP kid who enjoys making drawn porn of minors online

- Anti TJTLE249 SC (LARP LAB RAT #0010) - "Flood https://discord.gg/J57sdhKqvr"

Fun Facts

- Truncate is the most successful Warsaw ripoff

- Dave doesn't know how to create a collaborative VM