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From BonziPEDIA, the Official BonziWORLD Encyclopedia of varied quality.
Timeline is a work in progress page.
Don't edit parts of this page until they are properly finished.
This is a timeline of all BonziWORLD-related events. Make sure to keep the date sorted!
28,249 BCE
September 17th - What we excpeted for Jabba's birthdaySeptember 18th - Jabba creates Lithuania
- July - Eugen Bleuler coins the term "autism", originally to describe a symptom of schizophrenia.
- June 14th - Donald Trump was shat out of the box by Mary Ann MacLeod.
- February 24th - Christopher Weston Chandler was shat out of the box by Barbara Chandler.
- May 23rd - Ronnie McNutt was shat out of the box.
- January 31st - Mike Salcedo, creator of Alphabet Lore was shat out of the box.
- May 19th - Nikocado Avocado is born.
- March 18th - Michael and Cary Huang, creators of Battle for Dream Island were shat out of the box.
- Sometime in that year, BonziBUDDY is released.
- March 17th - Christian Weston Chandler, then in his senior year of high school, discovers he cannot use copyrighted characters for his CD project in graphic design class. To get around copyright, he creates the character Sonichu.
- October 30th - A big mistake that Leslie Cremeens made was shat out of the box, known as Seamus Kendrick Cremeens
- December 11th - Diogo was shat out of the box by Celina Mendes. He was later diagnosed with autism and was put in a special needs school called "Association ERID".
- January 8th - Jabba is born.
- Febuary 19 - UWU CAT UTTP is born.
- August 25th - Ziggy was born.
- October 7th - The legend himself, known as Fune is born.
- November 3rd - Jason Kendrick Howell creates Chris-Chan's page on Encyclopedia Dramatica. Within two years, it underwent over 5,000 revisions and became arguably the most popular page on the site.
- August - The first Countryball comic is created.
- January 1st - The first episode of Battle for Dream Island is shat out by Michael and Cary Huang.
- December 10 - Nikedimos shat out of the box.
- Somewhere in that year, Uy813 becomes a tanki player
- January 21st - Gayrov is born.
- June 28th - shanthosh is born.
- January 27th - Diogo creates his first YouTube channel and becomes the king of logo editing, gaining 400K subscribers.
- March 17th - Jabba creates his YouTube Channel.
- April 16th - Catie creates his YouTube channel.
- April 8th - Sheep77 is shat out of the fucking box.
- May 27th - Nikocado Avocado starts his YouTube channel.
- June 5th - Rowen is shat out of the box.
- December 15 - YGL2K14 is shat out of the box.
- Vinesauce Joel revives BonziBUDDY as a meme.
- BlakeIsHere discovers GoAnimate.
- May 13th - Discord is released.
- Seamus creates his shitty YouTube channel, initially starting as a LogoFag that endlessly shat out logo editing videos.
- August 22th - BonziWORLD is released by Joseph Judge.
- November 8th - Donald Trump is elected the 45th president of the United States.
- Seamus discovers BonziWORLD, and shows it to Diogo. Diogo then immediately started making YouTube videos about it and sharing the link with his buddies; causing logofags, GoFags and Objectfags to flood the site.
- July 10th - Joseph Judge decides to shut down BonziWORLD permanently. However, the site's source code was still up on GitHub and thus people began to take advantage of it and decide host their own BonziWORLD servers, making sure the site's legacy stays alive.
- October 7th - After bonzi.dega.io temporarily shuts down due to script kiddies constantly abusing the YouTube embed exploit, BonziWORLD Revived is shat out by Seamus Cremeens.
- Ziggy becomes active