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From BonziPEDIA, the Official BonziWORLD Encyclopedia of varied quality.
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Colors are basically skins for your character on BonziWORLD. They are a core element of BonziWORLD, across its 8 (soon to be 9) year old history, many colors have come and gone.

List of colors

Vanilla BonziWORLD

Colors in the original BonziWORLD.

  • purple - The original BonziBUDDY sprite.
  • red
  • brown
  • black
  • green
  • blue


New colors that were introduced in bonziworld.org.

  • yellow
  • orange
  • brown - Not to be confused with the previous brown, which was more of a lighter orangish color.
  • pink
  • cyan
  • white
  • jew - The happy merchent.
  • floyd - George Perry Floyd Jr.
  • ronnie - Ronald Merle McNutt. Removed in version 7 to prevent toxxing.
  • seamus - The cremeen himself. had several versions. Removed in version 7 after the peace agreement.
  • dress - added after davidserver started sperging on BW as a joke. Lost after bonzi.ga got toxxed.
  • trollface - Purple color but with the trollface, added during an event.
  • jabba - Removed in version 7, but then readded after vitolle took power.
  • inverted - An inverted version of the purple color. Removed in version 7 for unknown reasons.
  • clippy - It was lost after Bonzi.ga was doxxed but remade for version 7.
  • peedy - Had the same situation as Clippy.
  • windows93 - A windows 93 tranny color. with the words "I AM A TRANNY PORNFAG PEDO".
  • satoko - a meximutt color.
  • trump - Added after Trump won the 2024 presidential elections.
  • dirlewanger - The only one of demin's colors to get added. Lost after bonzi.nigger.email got toxxed.
  • blessed - Blessed color, can only be put on other people by kings and gives the blessed one access to /announce and /poll.
  • rabbi - Rabbi-only color, became available to everyone after said feature was removed.
  • king - King-only color.
  • pope - Pope-only color.

proposed colors

Colors proposed by people who are not 7 and have a chance of being added.

  • rape victim
  • tranny
  • soyjak
  • diddy


Main article: Crosscolors

Crosscolors are custom colors added by the community and they are probably one of the most cancerous features on there by far. Originally added by Seamus to BWR. The feature was stolen by Fune due to its popularity. As you would expect, this caused a massive Seamus chimp out.

How to Make a Crosscolor

Single Sprite

  1. Create an image with any program you choose.
  2. Resize it to 200 x 160.
  3. Optionally, copy-paste it into an existing full color (like purple).
  4. Put the image into imgur and right-click. select "copy image address".
  5. Type "/color" into the bonziworld message bar and paste the link and send the message.

Full Crosscolors

Colors is a work in progress page.
Don't edit parts of this page until they are properly finished.