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BonziWORLD Peace Agreement

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The BonziWORLD Peace Agreement was an agreement made by Seamus (henceforth referred to as "Techy") and Fune+Warsaw. The agreement aims to stop conflicts in BonziWORLD and occured after Techy's return.


  • Techy and his associates will not host BonziWORLD Servers, or anything similar to BonziWORLD
  • Techy and his associates will not attack Warsaw or BonziWORLD
  • Warsaw will not harass Techy or his friends



The agreement had mixed responses in Warsaw, and Techy's current website wasn't well received by Warsaw (12-1 votes against it, and 2-1 admin votes against). The stopping of fighting was better received, with about half of Warsaw members supporting it, though many still have negative attitudes. The agreement isn't seen as the end of the war by Warsaw, as the war ended in January 2024 with the shutdown of BonziWORLD.co and the agreement is meant to prevent the war from restarting.

Techy's side

The agreement was slightly mixed on Techy's side, with Arda and Chace joining BonziWORLD.org very soon after the agreement and Arda watching the 7.2.0 preview premiere. However, members were slightly unhappy about the agreements. It's sometimes seen as the end of the war on Techy's side.

Part of a series on BonziWORLD!

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