Battle for Dream Island

Revision as of 17:34, 24 January 2024 by SeamusIsANigger (talk | contribs) (Reverted edits by TalkingGuglTheSkyeHater (talk) to last revision by Kcuueu)

Battle for Dream Island (a.k.a. BFDI) is a shitty web cartoon created in 2010 by two 13-year-old autistic chinks known as Michael and Cary Huang (a.k.a. the Huang Twins, the HTwins for short or jacknjellify). When it came out, it attracted the attention of autistic 7-to-13-year-olds with access to YouTube; many of which came from the autist circlejerks known as the GoAnimate/Vyond and logo communities. While it could have died and become irrelevant (and it almost did back when said two chinks abandoned it for 3 years in 2013), it somehow refuses to die; likely because the two chinks keep milking their autistic abomination in order to make as much YouTube ad money as possible. The autists obsessed with the show are known as objectfags or objectcucks thanks to them ripping off BFDI so many times they invented the term "object show" to refer to these rip-offs.

Objectfags started appearing on BonziWORLD around late 2016/early 2017, when the logofag pedophile Diogo Mendes started making BonziWORLD videos and brought in a massive slew of logofags to the site (and by extension GoFags and objectfags due to the logo community's massive overlap with these other two communities). Nowadays objectfags are somewhat common on BonziWORLD and are part of the kiddie scum killing said site.

List of objectfags on BonziWORLD

How to spot objectfags on BonziWORLD

This is how you can spot objectfags on the kiddie hell that is BonziWORLD. If anyone meets at least one of these criteria, immediately get to trolling the shit outta them:

  • Probably the most blatant sign of an objectfag on BonziWORLD is if they post episodes of BFDI and/or its many rip-offs. On servers with crosscolor support (such as or BonziWORLD Revived), they might also use BFDI/"object show" crosscolors.
  • They have names ending with "The Object Thingy".
  • Might be a GoFag and/or logofag. They might also have GoFag/logofag names such as "BFDIYesCalliouNo AUTTP VGCP" or "MiguelTheLogoEditor2010".

How to troll objectfags on BonziWORLD

Most objectfags are autistic (man)children; making them very easy to troll. These should not only work with BonziWORLD objectfags, but objectfags in general:

  • Say BFDI and/or "object shows" suck. While some of them might ignore you, others will chimp out and say "BFDI DOES NOT SUCK!!!".
  • Say the Huang Twins are pedophiles and/or gay for each other.
  • Say Shape World (probably the worst of the BFDI rip-offs) is the best object show.
  • In case they ever made one, say their "object show" sucks.
  • Call "object shows" lazy and unoriginal.
  • Praise BFDI characters they hate and/or hate BFDI characters they like.
  • Call BFDI a Total Drama Island rip-off.
  • Ask them if they've ever seriously considered fucking an inanimate object.

External links