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User:Ziggy/Seamus rewrite

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"Ziggy/Seamus rewrite" is very fucking long.
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This user is a lolcow? Frickin' saved.

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This Person is a PEDOPHILE. If your not careful, they might rape one of your kids and maybe even give them AIDS.

You can help by hiding your children as well as reporting these pedophiles in question and calling Chris Hansen.
Ziggy/Seamus rewrite is a work in progress page.
Don't edit parts of this page until they are properly finished.

The brapstain on the BonziWORLD community.
Seamus Cremeens
Born October 30th 2005
Parents Scott A. Cremeens (father), Leslie Cremeens (mother)
Obsessions Touhou, Team Fortress 2, Angry Birds, Half Life, BonziWORLD (no matter how many times he denies it), Garry's Mod, Left 4 Dead, Roblox, Minecraft, Scratch, Furry Porn, Belly shit, Lolicon
Aliases siobhan_saoirse, ItzCrazyScout, SeamusMario 55, FAGOTS, TechyFrom2005, Damien
Self-proclaimed "kang of BW"
In office
c. 2019 — December 2022
Preceeded by Diogo
Succeeded by Fune

Seamus (real name: Seamus "Siobhan" "Kendrick" Cremeens; AKA siobhan_saoirse, SeamusMario 55, and ItzCrazyScout; commonly called Seamass) is THE mentally disabled, autistic, bipolar, pedophilic, jizz-brained Irish-American tranny manchild of the BonziWORLD community and is its biggest lolcow. He lives in a broken down farm in Sullivan, Ohio, and resides in the attic (due to a seeming lack of a basement), where he cries in his internet hugboxes about the most asinine shit imaginable; all while twisting his microscopic rice grain to Touhou loli belly inflation and other kinds of degenerate EPI shit that he proudly presents to his dwindling group of equally retarded mind-controlled and definitely younger sex drones (that people have proven Seamus has been actively grooming with said porn).

In the days of old, Seamus was (for whatever reason) worshipped and venerated by most of the peoples of community (even those who are currently critical of him), chiefly for his retarded disgraced mangum opus called BonziWORLD Revived, a laggy, sickly Frankenstein abomination glued together with stolen Stack Overflow code and 396 octillion spergy colors of his buddies' OCs and BFDI characters. However, as years passed, he became more and more schizophrenic and abysmal, and eventually, after years of enduring Seamus' spergouts, backstabbing, bipolar episodes, flip-flopping, and general incompetence, everyone with a half-functioning brain who has tried to help him decided to simply quit Seamule's fucktarded little group, and later ended up booting him out of the BonziWORLD community as they founded better alternatives. Seamus managed to stick around with his retarded rebrand of BWR and tried to foolishly come back for over a year until Momma Leslie who, upon reading an e-mail sent to her by Team BonziWORLD, simply decided to undo all his miserable attempts by pressing the Delete key on his keyboard.

Currently he still dwells in his hugboxes, using his social media as blogs, constantly bitching to himself about "da evil nazi BW yoozers!1" and explaining coping in detail why he isn't a sheepfucking pedo groomer tranny, while sometimes trying to and failing at driving people away from BW.


Summary of Seamus' internet history

Early Life

Seamule was shat out on October 30th, 2005, likely dropped on his head once, or twice... who knows? There isn't much to say about his early life, as the only known accomplishment is exactly one day of kindergarten, which according to him was such a traumatic experience that he was instantly pulled out of there to be homeschooled for the rest of his life. As you can see however, this would end up being a massive mistake as that was the only human interraction Seamus has had in his life, the rest of which was spent either on or around GorillaSexRP.net.

There is not much to say about his early internet career either. All we know (or more accurately bother to document) is that Xiobhane waddled in somewhere around 2012, and that the first few years he was the usual Logotard kiddie type with a shitty MS-paint object OC. Nothing out of the oridinary yet mostly due to the lack of tranny infestation on the internet.

BonziWORLD Revived

Main article: BonziWORLD Revived

External links