nope lie

This page/Sections of this page are filled with misinfoneme (due to PIF on his alt account(?) and some other autistic people).

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This person is a kiddie.
This means they are likely an underage BFDI, Vyond/GoAnimate/Plotagon, and/or logo spergs prone to tard raging.

You can help by reverting any autistic revisionism and trolling the kiddies on the talk page.


One or more parts of contents in "Pomni Inflation Fan" were edited by an illiterate retard.
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his fucking ugly face
Arthur Felipe da Silva de Carvalho
Born August 15th, 2006[or something]
Hyper Obsessions Fune,,, making crappy pages on BonziPEDIA, Israel and Rule 34 (formerly)
Hyper Hates Palestine, Marco, Agustin, Catie, nigger tnd, people who shit out the term "CP lover", Replit,
Aliases Pomni inflation fan, pochi science, luna angola fan, and pomni the dictator (current)
Status Active

Pomni Inflation Fan (sometimes abbreviated as PIF, or simply just Pomni, powerword: Arthur Felipe da Silva de Carvalho) is an 18 year old[or something] from Brazil. their status is mostly controversial, becoming notorious for the fact of allegedly posting cp content, animal gore, and the like[or something], according to the community.

tl;dr Overall a very toxic fucktard. also, it has been rumoured that her brothers steam got leaked, and pochi science is their sibling Update: They were both the same person LAL.

pochi being behind pif

sometime in july or august, it had been discovered pochi was actually an alt of pomni all along. Firstly, they have identical grammar. Secondly, when pochi (PIF) clicked on an IP grabber (like the 1-celled organism he is), they both had identical information. Thirdly, she admitted to it before, multiple times. When asked, she will still deny it. But when pushed, she will eventually admit it.

PIF apology video

today (july 3rd, 2024), PIF comes out to address their problematic behaviour & apologizes, begging for a second chance baleeted. its articulation & grammar aren't the best, but he claims wanting to be a good person; not a bad one. he also claims to never do what he did ever again. only time well us if he will live up this. The damage has already been done you delusional fuck.



  • august 15th: Pomni was born.


  • february 17th: Pomni was given their first alias, which was named by LunaGamesTV. The alias became the one we all know & hate well: ''pomni inflation fan''.


  • december 2nd: pomni creates her very own clan, called bravania.


  • december 1st: pomni joins for the first time.


  • november 2nd: mrned35, aka the grinning bunnies, banned pomni from his server. he did so because he thinks pomni is behind the uttp raids in said server. this led to pomni rebelling against this.
  • november 4th: a second photo of pomnis face gets revealed on this articles infocard.
  • december 8th: grinning bunnies apologizes pomni and gives last chance


  • 1 january 2024 bravanian new year
  • today googol aka jankies will be a new vice leader of bravania when is join


pif's creation





ned saga


See also

External links


Discord: dipsydrogado123

her steam acc:

Part of a series on Groomers, Zoophiles and Pedophiles
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Female Elviah Kapo ParazamelNymph Docen

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Part of a series on Autism and Asperger's Syndrome
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People and Groups DiogoSeamusHalagetworldPomni Inflation FanElviah