Name magic word spammers

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{NAME} spammers are people who take advantage of the {NAME} magic word on BonziWORLD (putting {NAME} anywhere on a message automatically replaces it with the sender's name) to send super long messages that can lag or sometimes outright crash the BonziWORLD TTS (eSpeak).

See also

  Name magic word spammers is part of a series on Raids, Floods, and Spam.
Common culprits Docen NexusHalagetworldPWNSECSeamus (and his buddies) • SkidsTruncate/TPSSEC • TrollboxWarsaw
Typical destinations AnarchiesBonziWORLD ( • Discord serversOur World of Text
Floods and Spams Name magic word spammersJoke command spammersSans FloodPenguin FloodSpamsegments
Raids Fune Is A NiggerWiki raidsRaidsNigger’s Army Flood (Anitok Flood)