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Raids is a work in progress page.
Don't edit parts of this page until they are properly finished.

raids are attacks/trolls done by the community. they are mainly done to advertise the site and make it popular.

notable raids (chronological order)


  • in mid july, bonziWORLD users decided to raid OWOT with links to bonziWORLD. in response, OWOT decided to spam child porn all over bonziWORLD. this resulted in a short war that literally nobody won. also notable that OWOT users made another fune "exposal" document.
  • from october 24th to october 28th, several whiteboards were raided. using an image advertising bonziWORLD, FunyPlace, and this wiki.
    the image that is used to raid by bonziWORLD
Raids is part of a series on Raids, Floods, and Spam.
Common culprits Docen NexusHalagetworldPWNSECSeamus (and his buddies) • SkidsTruncate/TPSSEC • TrollboxWarsaw
Typical destinations AnarchiesBonziWORLD (bonziworld.org) • Discord serversOur World of Text
Floods and Spams Name magic word spammersJoke command spammersSans FloodPenguin FloodSpamsegments
Raids Fune Is A NiggerWiki raidsRaidsNigger’s Army Flood (Anitok Flood)