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From BonziPEDIA, the Official BonziWORLD Encyclopedia of varied quality.
Raids is a work in progress page.
Don't edit parts of this page until they are properly finished.
raids are attacks/trolls done by the community. they are mainly done to advertise the site and make it popular.
notable raids (chronological order)
- in mid july, bonziWORLD users decided to raid OWOT with links to bonziWORLD. in response, OWOT decided to spam child porn all over bonziWORLD. this resulted in a short war that literally nobody won. also notable that OWOT users made another fune "exposal" document.
- on august 15th, a small streamer called "kolbewhiteplays" was raided on garlic phone with bonziWORLD links.
the clip of kolbewhiteplays getting raided by bonziworld
- from october 24th to october 28th, several whiteboards were raided. using an image advertising bonziWORLD, FunyPlace, and this wiki.
the image that is used to raid by bonziWORLD
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Raids is part of a series on Raids, Floods, and Spam. |