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Our World Of Text

From BonziPEDIA, the Official BonziWORLD Encyclopedia of varied quality.
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⚠⚠⚠ ALERT ⚠⚠⚠
Lack of lolcowery much, OWOT? Censoring Discord is also pretty funny to me. (see chapter 5) HAHA DISREGARD THAT I UNCENSORED IT
A screenshot of bonziworld being searched up in a web crawler's database.

Our World of Text is a "semi-anarchy" website owned by FP (not to be confused with FunyPlace) that lets users type anything. It's the same concept as another website called Your World Of Text but with more features. It is also in an eternal internet sissy fight with BonziWORLD due to mostly being a tranny faggot hugbox with some butthurt trolls malding about being associated with the afformentioned trannies.

The website is filled with bots since the owner does not give enough of a fuck to have any sort of countermeasures. An example is the web crawler found at coordinates (-2, 2), which can be seen in the gallery and the screenshot to the right.

Interactions with BonziWORLD

OWOT is naturally pissed at BonziWORLD since BonziWORLD is not a tranny hugbox like OWOT natives are used to. After some BonziWORLD users pasted a bunch of slop on OWOT the users decided the best course of action was to spam child porn on BonziWORLD, a typical response of a transgender circlejerk.

A series of illiterate OWOT Windows 93 monkeys decided to join their 5 braincells together and make a Jewgle Doc exposing Fune. A very original idea never before done by anyone ever. As expected it was a flop because everything on it was bullshit pulled out of a CP Spammer's tranny vagina. The doc consists of blaming Fuckune evil bad user for everything ever done to OWOT or Trollbox by a BonziWORLD user. They claimed to be from OWOT, possibly to seek acceptance on a different website as Trollbox is dying.

Known figures

  • InfraRaven - the owner of Our World of Text, though inactive in it
  • FP - the manager of the site, more active than InfraRaven
  • yagton - The only active member of the site and admin of the Discord server. Unsurprisingly being the most active, he's a tranny. Quote about him defending his tranny flag - "it was made to highlight how raiders get triggered over such small things".

Less significant figures

Although not significant in the community of OWOT, most of these people are either known by BonziWORLD, mostly because of something they did.

  • KKosty4Ka - So far, the most known and only person on this list. Either being framed of raiding BW with See Pee or actually doing it[or something]. More likely than not he is being framed by Starianna though, considering their background.


  • Duck is not related in any way to OWOT. Duck only made textwall.cc, and that is literally it. He was not bullied by OWOT members to take it down or whatever.
  • No the website is not "full of troons", a large majority are even transphobic. <--- DISREGARD THAT THEIR ADMINS ARE FUCKING TRANS LMAO
  • KKosty4Ka was framed (See § Counter-raids).


This site is extremely easy to raid due to its paste feature, however do note that this behaviour is completely typical of OWOT due to its everlasting chaos and countless instances of spam.

Here are the raids that BonziWORLD has done as of 24th August 2024:

  • PWNSEC once raided OWOT with Seamus' face and their website link.
  • Tokan also raided OWOT with Stella porn.
  • For a few days from 23rd July 2024, niggapoop and donutscout raided OWOT with links to BonziWORLD.
  • From 21 August 2024 to this day, Scientist raided OWOT with links to Warsaw and /BOOM by modifying KKosty4Ka's link replicator script.


Someone (probably Starianna, considering their background) raided BonziWORLD with Tor links that linked supposedly to child porn somewhere around 16~17 August 2024.

Starianna decided to frame another individual from OWOT known as KKosty4Ka by making their nickname KKosty4Ka. Because of this, misled BonziWORLD users have started blaming KKosty4Ka for these raids.


External Links

Our World Of Text is part of a series on Raids, Floods, and Spam.
Common culprits Docen NexusHalagetworldPWNSECSeamus (and his buddies) • SkidsTruncate/TPSSEC • TrollboxWarsaw
Typical destinations AnarchiesBonziWORLD (bonziworld.org) • Discord serversOur World of Text
Floods and Spams Name magic word spammersJoke command spammersSans FloodPenguin FloodSpamsegments
Raids Fune Is A NiggerWiki raidsRaidsNigger’s Army Flood (Anitok Flood)