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This person is a kiddie.
This means they are likely an underage BFDI, Vyond/GoAnimate/Plotagon, and/or logo spergs prone to tard raging.

You can help by reverting any autistic revisionism and trolling the kiddies on the talk page.

This user is a lolcow? Frickin' saved.

YGL2K14 is a 10 year old kiddie gachafag and gofag who kills everyone his gay friends is Mailbox AUTTP (aka Failbox UTTP). He also made a shitty video called "JAMONYMOUS WHYYYYYYYYYYY" and he will rage like a faggot. It's also worth knowing that the butthurt nigger edited this page's discussion page and the details of the page linked into a JewTube video called "A FUCKING (freaking was the original word) RAGING ULTIMATE PUNISHMENT MESSAGE TO FUNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", an average title when a GoNigger is raging at somebody.

NEW INFOMATION DISCOVERED: YGL2K14 is raged like a nigger

His Gay Friends

  • Mailbox AUTTP
  • Red

How To Troll YGL2K14

  • Call him an objectfag & logofag & gachafag & gofag. He will be mad and say "NO I AM NOT!"
  • Insult him
  • Spam "YGL2K14 is a huge faggot!"
  • Impersonaite him and say "I AM A HUGE NIGGER!" or "I LOVE SEAMUS CUZ I AM A NIGGA"


Youtube Channel - Report his shitty channel.