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Art Ruiners

From BonziPEDIA, the Official BonziWORLD Encyclopedia of varied quality.
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Art ruiners are extremely the worst users you will ever entercounter on FunyPlace. They will attack you when you draw Anti-Art Ruining stuff next to big creations that were created by faggots like The Scourge Flag, German Empire flag, The Blue Corner (TBC) (Maybe), and USU flag. INFACT: THOSE 4 ARE COMMON!

Anti-Art Ruiners

The Flag

Anti-Art Ruiners is a flag created by Sheep77. When it was first created by him, it got ruined by the ugly USU group. So he created one on the bottom. No it was later destroyed by some butthurt art ruiner from the USU group. It may sooner be created into a group and later be but hurt and try to kill off the USU group and other big stuff because the kidde didnt like it that i was removing random ass shit from inside the flag Then it was raped to death by the supreme united servers union. the u.s.u.r raped the anti art ruiners flag and completly destroyed it because they were made by illeterate retards with only enough brain matter to breathe eat and drink there literaly just paracitic worms who feed off of others atention with there little butthurt anti art ruiners group.