If you want an account, contact Ziggy or any other admin via Discord: @ziggymoncher_. Read BonziPEDIA:Requesting accounts for more details. Autoconfirmed time requirement reduced to 6 hours!
itsametylerlondon (powerword: tyler london) is a 16 year old from new york city. he was known for being a skid on classic.bonzi.world. he also pretended to be a hacker, simply because he asked others for their password. constantly made alts to annoy people with, too. he has a yt channel which is filled with videos about upcoming holidays & discord chatting videos. tyler had also cried when he was told hell get hacked, showing how gullible he rly is. he also used to be a logofag, gofag, and objectfag. his online presence died during the fall of 2022; reasons unknown.
external links
yt: https://www.youtube.com/@ItsAMeTylerLondonIAMTL
insta: https://www.instagram.com/tylerlondon0?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=ZDNlZDc0MzIxNw==