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List of BonziWORLD Servers

From BonziPEDIA, the Official BonziWORLD Encyclopedia of varied quality.
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List of BonziWORLD Servers is a work in progress page.
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Ever since the birth of the universe itself (2016-2019), there have been BonziWORLD servers, some relevant, some not, some riddled with AIDS, and some so good they became popular even outside of the community. Here, we'll list some of the more well-known ones, along with some minor ones that didn't leave much impact (no rating system this time!)

Well-Known Servers

bonziworld.com - Joseph Judge

Main article: History#Age of Inception (2016)

The original bonziworld server, created by heyjoeway (Powerword: Joseph Judge). Albeit it was quite popular, being used by CollabVM and Vinesauce Joel fans at first (hell, it even had official applications on both the Play Store and Chrome Web Store), it was eventually found by He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named, who turned it into a radioactive pile of autism-riddled kiddies by inviting Diogo who kept uploading 'gameplay' videos of it to his 400K-sub YT channel. This, and the skiddie revolution of late 2018, eventually led Joseph to pull the plug in July 2019.

Although he did the (un)fortunate mistake of leaving the source code to be public for anybody to use.

bonziworld.org/bonzi.ga/bonzi.lol - Fune 360

It has it's own article.

BWR/BWR+/BWCE/MASHWORLD/the other 78 gazillion shitty names it goes by - Seamus

It has it's own article.

bonzi.world - BagelChip

It has it's own article.

server.erik.red:3000 - Erik/bathbombman

A server that was once active, but fucking DIED because of it's significant lack of (original) features. Once was a bot playground that (un)fortunately turned into a wasteland. Nowadays, erik spends his days being a gooner.

HyperWORLD FE/BonziWORLD FE - Jabba

A literal IP grabbing machine with 1000 vulnerabilities up it's ass and a god awful UI beyond human comprehension. Known to spread AIDS. Unfortunately, but it was permanently shut down again, so he updated his source code in October 14th, 2024.

BonziWORLD Rewrite

Main article: Bonziworld Rewrite See also: Fune, Bonziworld.org

BonziWORLD Rewrite is an open-source (closed source until le fune makes it public lololol) version of bonziworld.org(alt) made by Fune (with a lot of stuff stripped so there wont be 1 gazillion bonziworld.org copies). There has been no publicly disclosed progress on it since august, and now that Vitolle is taking ownership of bonziworld.org, BonziWORLD Rewrite is unofficially canceled until further notice.

Lesser Known Servers

BonziWORLD Enhanced - Cosmic

Literally just a shitty retextured BonziWORLD Revived fork with some dumbass third-world country-level proxy holding it on a single wire. That's all.

uranohoshi.in/New! BonziWORLD - (Creator T.B.D.)

A server with 700 gazillion worthless colors of random faggots and Sonic OCs, but a decent enough UI to not gouge someone's eyes out. It later got RAPED in the ass by BonziWorld Revived because Mr. Seamass wanted people to join his shitty server.

CyganWORLD - Fune 360

The base for bonziworld.org. Basically just Fune's server-side rewrite with a few unnotable changes.

JYWorld/BonziWORLD XP/BonziWORLD NEO (or the 50 other names it goes by)

Main article: BonziWORLD Neo

JYWorld (or the other 3214+ bazillion names) is a BonziWORLD server made by JY (HOLY SHIT!!).

Servers nobody gives a fuck about

BonziWORLD PLUS!/BonziWORLD XP - theswguy_

A shitty Replit-hosted BonziWORLD reskin made by the kike who wrote this article, with colors that don't even work and, surprisingly enough, the help of Fune. (note that this isnt the one made by seamus)

HotAirBalloonWORLD - Pautriyulia

Some irrelevant BonziWORLD server, where instead of being BonziBUDDY, you're a air balloon.

JankieWORLD - Catie

A shitty idea of a BonziWORLD server that has never seen the light of day. theres a concept, and a video recording showcasing this server, but it has never been hosted to a website.


A server that would serve as a bunker while BW.ORG would get flooded, had downtime, or along the lines, so people could reside there until itd get taken care of.

BambiWORLD - (Creator T.B.D.)

Basically a clone of fune's BonziWORLD, except it had FNF characters from some mod in said game.

BonziWORLD e edition - e.

a shitty green reskin of BWR created by the underage sped known as e. he constantly shills it on bonziworld.org/bonzi.nigger.email. only known due to the some of the userbase moving there when bonziworld.org went down. as of now. it got its rectum raped inside out due to its 99999 vulnerabilities and has now shut down. Also known for banning anyone who hates BFDI off of the server.

Part of a series on BonziWORLD!

/asshole/bees/bless /massbless/emote/floyd/ipmute/jewify/king (or /pope)/nigger/owo/sex


bonziworld.combonzi.world (classic.bonzi.world) • BonziWORLD Revivedbonziworld.org (text version) • BonziWORLD Neo250750.xyz


BonziWORLD AppBonziWORLD modsbonziworld.org changelogLosky VirusReplitRoom 000

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