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pochi science

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💩 "Pochi science" was written by an illiterate retard.
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pochi science (real name: arthur felipe da silva de carvalho) is a BonziWORLD user from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil with horrible grammar. Despite this, he gets blessed every time SIAN comes on. recently, she got outed to be behind PIF, meaning SHE owns CP all along.


June 2023 - Pochi joined BonziWORLD for the first time.

Before july 2024 - He turned out to be a well-behaved user. However, her brother, pomni inflation fan, had also found out about this & joined it. Thus fucking up the site by pornfagging all over the place.

July 2024 - It's been discovered that both Pochi & Luna angola/pomni inflation fan were to be the same person. This means all the shit Luna sent, that Pochi owns it in conclusion. She got lots of hate from this, with her fighting with threats such as death, doxxing, etcetera....

External links

Steam Account: https://steamcommunity.com/id/456345686348675446