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From BonziPEDIA, the Official BonziWORLD Encyclopedia of varied quality.
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This person is DEAD.
This means they're either dead to the community (ex. being exposed, irrelevant, etc..) or that they have literally passed away.
Alternatively, they could've taken a break/hiatus.
This user has permanently quit BonziWORLD, and may never come back.

This means they are No More™.

Friends Sheep77, Stardust
Works CharaWORLD, Show (and remember. CharaWORLD show is fake), Art, Argentina Server (sorry the server was deleted) Bfdi
Means Doesn't Understand, Ask Him But Carefully, Shy Only For Something
Hated Gofag, Vorefag, Pornfag, Goastefag, Inflationfag, Gorefag, mejewwfag, Spamfag, Kiddie, Objectfag, Pbskidsfag, Smashfag, Spankfag, Slapfag

PupTheCute (Formerly, Puggsy, Crazy Dog, White Terrier Dog, God MTV, Chihuahua, Meathead Dog, Guardian Dog) is a BonziWORLD user who is friends with Sheep77 and helped him ruin Anthony's userpage. His favorite game is Mimpi Dreams, a puzzle game where you play as a white dog, as his favorite animal is a dog.

What does PupTheCute like?

  • He likes Hanna-Barbera.
  • He likes Tom and Jerry.
  • He likes Talking Tom, or he might be referring to a different show.
  • He likes Mundoperro/DoggyWORLD.
  • He likes Mimpi Dreams.
  • He likes Scooby-Doo.
  • He likes Jellystone (or something similar).
  • He likes Bravecto (it's on a YouTube channel, but it's in Spanish. If you see an image like a cartoon, there are old videos of that or maybe he stopped; remember that).
  • He likes dixon the faggot
  • He likes Bfdi

How Pup Did Know Scooby Doo #pupisthebest?

⚠⚠⚠ ALERT ⚠⚠⚠
If you don't know about Scooby-Doo, he was Stardust, but now he has changed.

One day, PupTheCute joined OmegaWORLD and met a new friend named Scooby-Doo. They started talking and working together. From then on, they visited other websites like BonziWORLD to have fun. They became friends and collaborated on a Discord server and other platforms. Sometimes, they went AFK (away from keyboard) when they were quiet or busy. Scooby-Doo is the creator and PupTheCute is the owner of CharaWORLD , and they manage it together. And sadly CharaWORLD was deleten and may never join it.

his friends