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From BonziPEDIA, the Official BonziWORLD Encyclopedia of varied quality.
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This article is ཌ༒perfect༒ད. Don't fuck with it!
Parts of this page were written by Jabba himself.
That makes it incredible.
This user is a lolcow? Frickin' saved.
Danielius "JABBGOD, The Bloated One" Paulavičius XIV
  • September 17th, 28,249 BCE,
  • January 8th, 2006
Residence Gineikiai, Lithuania
Hyper Obsessions BFDI/BFB/TPOT, Samsung Fun Club, Godzilland, Old Phones, Minecraft, BonziWORLD
Aliases Onute Saulute, SgtDanielArc360, Discord World, Jabba, ItzUltraScout/IUS, and like 200 more...
Status Alive, Active
WPM 6 Gazillion
Jabba's life effort.
The JABBGOD who always uses the power to LOIC people.
Jabba's cameo on Family Guy.

Jabba Saulute (real name: Danielius Paulavičius, a.k.a. Onute Saulute, a.k.a JABBGOD) is an ancient superhuman deity controlling the avatar of a Lithuanian script kiddie, objectfag and phonefag who owns OnuteWORLD and HyperWORLD FE (formerly BonziWORLD FE); bloated BonziWORLD servers with IP loggers and thousands of vulnerabilities allowing cross-site scripting (XSS)/arbitrary code execution. He likes to make huge dramas out of someone including the phone collector community Discord server who decided not to leave and he started on GeriWORLD, then David Khoa and then something else. He doxes everyone (including himself) and is often used to depict the Low Orbit Ion Cannon (LOIC), a tool used to rape BonziWORLD servers. Jabba also has a dozens different versions of OnuteWORLD/BonziWORLD FE nobody uses.

He was also known for failing at the English language. What he writes can be barely understood and he suggests Lithuanian-English class shit since he doesn't have 300 WPM. He is also known for his hateboner towards some YouTuber known as SgtPepperArc360 (real name: David John Egan IV, a.k.a. David Eggman). In February 24th, 2024, he had another hateboner called grimagikoopa for always doing it by mocking his deadname and then completely spreaded it. He is one of the biggest archivists (also known as data hoarder) who archived BonziWORLD Revived, Arda's lost media faces, BonziWORLD already reported documents, Discord messages, etc. He is also placed into upper circle.

He used to be allied with Warsaw and Fune mainly to keep the script kiddies happy; until he got groomed by Seamus and defected to his side (and is likely now a haglet since he admitted to being friends with pissoneme a.k.a. (((Miso Seider)))). Later in February 23rd, 2024, he returned to Warsaw.

In April 17th, 2024, Jabba regretted using his main account anymore on Discord for having a lengthy message out of Halagetworld circlejerk member Kern3l. He is rarely active on his second account, but not always.

Final days of HyperWORLD FE

On May 13th, 2024, the entire chat site was permanently shut down and all users who recently visited BonziWORLD FE saw a notice saying "BonziWORLD FE has come to an end" which is sad because Jabba might be really disappointed about his own chat site and waiting until the kiddies are gone forever and never brought back.

Still, Jabba has no point but to shut his site down for good to drop his hyper addiction like how clip888 did.

Jabba still thinks that hosting his own BonziWORLD server and letting them chat for eternity was likely terrible. He says that kiddies are still involved on this chat site which means he refused to bring it back or else there will be more kiddies involved on this chat site unless shared.

FUTURE STORY: Jabba's entire career would be really different if he tries to change his own, so Jabba would attempt composing music with absolutely free software called LMMS (as known as "Linux MultiMedia Studio") or try from alternatives like OpenMPT, DelfeMask and FamiTracker.

As long as his reputation stays active unless he is doxxed by Halagetworld circlejerks; he will be ruined and will have no way but to hide in the cave like a troglodyte. If he tries to interact with the same person, the same thing back in 2029, he will tell Jabba to go kill himself, then he will say "I won't fucking forgive you for what you did in the early days of 2024, you problematic asshat being the biggest dramamonger for all the time." and then he will tell others who are friends with and will post a documentary video out of Jabba, or mock him as "The Jabbamentary" like how Iris Hyacinith used to make exposed videos out of idiots like GoFags that include a lot of things except Jabba isn't on something else but including his spitefulness as the biggest own mistakes, false accusations, false quitting, harassment, circlejerking children, being racist all the time, deadnaming anyone, etc.


FloodWORLD is a powerful flooding tool created by Jabba in August 1st, 2021, and this was entirely made with one .bat file and node.js which is compatible with Microsoft Windows. It has different modes you can choose from:

  • Standard mode - The most boring part where all kiddies choose the single one attempting to kill the BonziWORLD server. This mode only joins at once which is used how to experiment with unsafe BonziWORLD servers that has XSS vulnerabilities and not fun to destroy.
  • Port spam mode - This mode spams ports that are actually joinable as port 80, port 2095, port 3000, port 8080 or port (anything) from examples.
  • Spam mode - This mode makes flooder to appear for 10 seconds to spam until the internal server crashes.
  • Hyper mode - This mode recursively spams on someone's server for 5 seconds, but the next one is a one second length which it would be ridiculous how it will try to handle crashes almost.
  • Warfare mode (a.k.a. Warsaw mode) - Same mode but with additional color changing support and it's used for making people's RAM to raise up and then out of memory.
  • Death mode - This mode is exclusively used all the time (especially what Jabba used to crash Erik's server). Once you choose this flood mode, you will receive a warning if you allegedly wanted to do this with your own risk, this will double your RAM way, way, way more until you hit up to 99% when you keep it running.


  • Bypass flood protection - Bypasses flood protections (this will not work on BWRW).
  • Disconnect spam - This mode uses to join and then disconnect for a second by spamming the chat.
  • Overlog - This mode fills completely with name ticks.
  • Omega room spam - This mode joins random room IDs with random strings until the server crashes.

If you choose this flood mode, you will be greeted as red Bonzi with the nickname called "FloodWORLD" which means you have to change it from the script to your liking. FloodWORLD is only used to flood unsafe BonziWORLD servers that has http protocol, unpatched floods and without any modifications considering to be a vanilla BonziWORLD server.

Life of BonziWORLD

Jabba joined BonziWORLD in mid-2017 when he was 11 after he accidentally found some BonziBUDDY episode video with his fan site in it along with many legacy friends on Google Hangouts. In mid-2018, a random Anonymous on gave him a JavaScript code that spammed the chat, making people angry or in some cases, causing their browsers to begin to crash because of the text-to-speech module breaking. He was the first example of a BonziWORLD script kiddie who liked to abuse people by using good JavaScript code knowledge.

Jabba's visited sites

  • (mid-2017 - late-2019)
  • AKA (late-2019 - mid-2022)
  • (December 2019 - late January 2020)
  • bonziworldrevived.(any shitty extension that has registered) (mid-2019 - late 2023)

Not only that he has visited his own BonziWORLD chat sites when he created them in the early development.

  • - domain owned by Seamus, but it was removed in August 2020 due to his behavior telling anyone to shut down BonziWORLD for toxic reasons. Later this year, Jabba had an idea of making a brand fan company of Server Ltd. (now it's changed to
  • (his IP address) or Fune's subdomain (November 2019 - current). He rarely visits it for fun.

Fune's subdomain names

  • (or

BonziWORLD FE Development Cycles

FuckWORLD (a.k.a BonziWORLD FE's prototype) (January 2020 - April 2020)

On January 18th, 2020, BonziWORLD FE was created after the NesoWORLD's style was nearly inspired. This server was created because of the owner of (Nathan Thompson) who banned him for a month for sending a brand fan company site that has a modified BonziWORLD chat site which was created 2 months ago. The ban reason says along with the video recording on YouTube itself: "ONUTEWORLD? MORE LIKE GAYWORLD", then Jabba decided to make a spin-off version of BonziWORLD by modifying it and telling him what he wanted to show Nathan, but no response. A few days later, he changed the version name to "FIXIES VS CRABOTS" because he was in Forum Cinemas theater yesterday. During the prototype stage of BonziWORLD FE, he started working on his fan chat site in February 2020 as his first career.

BonziWORLD - The Fastest Edition (April 2020 - July 2020)

During the early development process, he changed the title to "BonziWORLD - The Fastest Edition" before it got changed in the near future. Jabba starts adding the features (along with legacy colors that still existed) for what it's supposed to look like now until the end of August 2020.

BonziWORLD FE/BWFE (July 2020 - August 2020)

TL;DR There is too much information to add here because there are a lot of minor updates of BonziWORLD FE for what has to be fixed, updated, and run. Before the end of August 2020, BonziWORLD FE entered the final product and was named "The Final Promotive Release" due to his 8th-grade school. Usually, BonziWORLD FE doesn't seem to look like NesoWORLD/uranohoshi., but it looked way similar to BonziWORLD Enhanced (BWE) owned by Cockmick himself.

The site continued running and Jabba moved to another BonziWORLD chat site to work on during his school but there were no updates before it got revived for two years and revamping changes. In May 2022 due to Jabba changing laptops, BonziWORLD FE (and almost all of them which it's not always online again) was temporarily shut down and replaced with the official site. As soon as Jabba's decisions changed, all of the other BonziWORLD servers that lasted for 2.5 years are now permanently gone and all the servers were uploaded as the source code on his MediaFire folder.

HyperWORLD FE/HWFE (February 2023 - current)

On November 11th, 2022, BonziWORLD FE was back online running without any changes before the February 2023 update - the important thing where all the things got changed. In the month of late February 2023, the chat site got rebranded, revamped, and cleaned up, a lot of legacy things got removed like the legacy otherscript.js, development cycle content, and other content from mid-2020 that are no longer needed in some cases. On February 21st, 2023, the chat logs got added which was added earlier in August 2020 as a Discord bot from another BonziWORLD chat site that he has been progressively working on. On May 31st, 2023, BonziWORLD FE SLE got released as the fastest-loading and lightweight chat site where all things get completely removed from the server-side and high-quality images and added on the main site when their internet speeds were too slow, crappy, and rusty. In November 2023 due to the old server's name, it was changed to HyperWORLD FE. This site didn't last so long.

Today from now on, it is still relevant, alternative but with XSS vulnerabilities, some people visit it very rarely, and is added as an indigo background color due to privacy reasons.

BonziWORLD FE special commands

There is some commands where BWFE uses, but does not use and copy them from him.

  • /godmode - This command activates the godmode by typing them in (if you told the owner). If you attempt to get godmode for 50 times, you will get a one-week IP ban. NOTE: Every single server restart has a different godword password and is also customizable via /changeword command.
  • /youtube - This command lets you play videos on YouTube by inserting the video link or pasting the whole link into YouTube command. UPDATE: "on..." inside functions will give you a one-week IP ban for trying to run as a virus.
  • /alert - This command lets you type anything to display an alert (you can only see this).
  • /color - Changes your color. If you change it way too much, you will be automatically kicked from this server (immune for the owners).
  • /pope - They only tell if script kiddies can't have pope on standard BonziWORLD servers (usually they get banned for pope begging or godmode), they'll get for free by typing the valid command.
  • /ius (also known as owner_is_here) - This color is only used by administrators and the owner where you can't have it. NOTE: The owner will have their own color when joined and sparkling sound effect.
  • /changeword - This command changes the godword by typing any certain words to replace the godword which is used to activate it. If you want to make the godword unusable, you can change as blank!
  • /pastule (aka "Pastulify" by right-clicking on user) - insults by saying "(someone) stop being a pastule".
  • /givecake or /givecake2 - Greets a user and then it will show the objectfag asset to you.
  • /welcome - Greets a user.
  • /baragon - Calls someone if he/she is Baragon (earlier: call someone Jabba).
  • /suicide - Calls someone to kill himself/herself. This was also copied from
  • /wrongfinger - Calls a user by saying "GO FUCK YOURSELF!" with the middle finger.
  • /grounded - Grounds a user (be careful with this if you are not the GoFag).
  • /getbanned - Get attention to a user if they will get banned by admin or the owner.
  • /bwfe_activity_any - Sends a plain text message with your nickname via Jabba's server console.
  • /bwfe_activity_dox - Sends a message and saves the files to dox_navigator folder.
  • /background - Changes the content background (refreshing does not work).
  • /scale - Changes the Bonzi canvas scale.
  • /testsecret - Tests a secret by executing the client-side functions (bots will remain unaffected).
  • /ipaddress - Shows your IP address (you could be butthurt if you didn't turned your VPN on).
  • /godlevel - Shows what godmode level are you.
  • /eval - (ONLY BY OWNERS) Executes the server-side functions and it is very dangerous, because it can destroy the entire chat server!
  • /broadcast - Announces everyone by typing the text.
  • /ban - Sort of useless command where it bans people for one day, but don't make it blank or else the server will crash after it tries to load bans.json.
  • /jumpscare - Gives someone a jumpscare (this was also used by BagelChip and daddy Kendrick).
  • /nuke - Nukes everyone by permanently banning everyone with excessive loud audio.
  • /trouble - Displays a objectfag fetish background with BagelChip's favorite ban sound effect to everyone.
  • /reboot - (ONLY BY OWNERS) Restarts the server.
  • /save_file - Saves a file by typing some text where it will send to Jabba's server folder.
  • /quit - Permanently IP bans you off on BonziWORLD FE instantly.
  • /name - Changes your nickname, however if you try to change the owner's nickname including "ItzUltraScout" or "IUS" (with case sensitive support), you will get a one day IP ban. If the owner uses their own nicknames, he can have it without getting banned.
  • /pitch or /speed - These TTS commands don't work because of SAPI4 synthesis.

And actually there is the swear filter feature where the server automatically warns a user for using a bad word, they will receive a strike. If they receive full of strikes, they will be banned for one hour for swearing. If you say "ban me" on this chat, you will get a 30-minute IP ban. If you leak the random godword while you are in chat, the old godword will be immediately randomly generated as a new one.

Jabba and the English language

Just like many of the kiddies ruining BonziWORLD, Jabba is unable to speak English properly; anything he writes is full of grammatical errors with 20 WPM. However, what separates him from the 10-year-old autistic kids on BonziWORLD is that he fails SO hard at the English language that many of his long-ass rants with grammatical errors are unintentionally funny; and some have become memes across the BonziWORLD community (many of these meme rants are available here). I hope Jabba will improve his spelling even better... or he will drop it again like for what he said in 2017-2018.

External links

Source code

YouTube channels

Jabba has a million YouTube channels; most of which are abandoned. Here's all of Jabba's YouTube channels that BonziPEDIA can remember; if there are any missing channels just edit this section and add them:

  • onute saulute thekantapapa - Way oldest YouTube channel joined in March 17th, 2013 but it was deleted on December 12th, 2019 for making naked videos of himself until he got grounded by his parents.
  • IUS - Current main channel.
  • JABBA RANTS EVERYTHING! - Channel used by Jabba to rant about stuff; mostly David Egan. He abandoned his account when JEVILOGEN's wish was genuinely told.
  • abandoned account (WARNING: contains objectfag content)
  • Danielius Paulavicius - Oldest known YouTube channel; being created on Mar 20, 2016.
  • ItzUltraScout
  • SgtPepperArc360 Fanbase - Also known as "Liam", this account was once used by Jabba to LARP as a David Egan fan and gain his trust.
  • Pseudonymous Impact
  • MIGUEL DE OLIVERIA VALENTIN IS BACK - YET another forgotten Jabba account.
  • itzcrazynil minecraft - Jackass account terminated on his 15th birthday by daddy Kendrick itself for giving him full of copyright strikes.
  • Ten - Another jackass account terminated on September 26th, 2022 for harassing his hateboner called David Eggman and YouTube thinking that is an literal excuse for crushing a minor.
  • EmeraldTheDojo - Yet another jackass account terminated immediately on September 28th, 2022 for violating Google's Terms of Service for spamming after he got terminated on September 26th, 2022.

These channels might be deleted by Jabba itself due to having reminded, making them gone forever.


These channels are not (or are believed to not be) run by Jabba himself but contain a lot of Jabba's videos:

  • Jy - Fake Jy account.
  • ツJEVILOGEN - Fake JEVILOGEN's account.
  • God - Channel used for reuploading his Discord videos.