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Logofags are a super-adaptable species of autistic children that exist fucking everywhere and dedicate their lives to making shitty effortless "logo edits" in Sony Vegas that are watched by either nobody or 30 million toddlers, with no in-between. BonziWORLD used to be absolutely filled to the brim with these shartskins and still is, though not as much as in the 2016-2018 BW.

Notable logofags on BonziWORLD

  • Diogo (a.k.a. Doggis) - Probably the first logofag to discover BonziWORLD and the main reason why BonziWORLD is filled with dozens of these rats. Started making BonziWORLD videos in late 2016/early 2017; bringing a lot of equally autistic logofags (alongside some GoFags and objectfags) to the monkey site. Had 400,000 subscribers on YouTube at one point before his channel was hacked and deleted. Nowadays one of the main punching bags of BonziWORLD alongside Seamus Cremeens.