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💩 "KING OF JACK PAUL (Zach) (REAL)" was written by an illiterate retard.
You can help BonziPEDIA by editing it and making it better..
This person is a cockroach, meaning they are from Cockroachland.

KING OF JACK PAUL (Zach) (REAL) (aka ZachNanchev2009, currently named turkeystan on bw) is a 15 year old Turk. He uses both bonziworld & Warsaw. He dislikes mods such as SeamusIsANigger & Fune, which makes him often compared to Gugl, making him the Turkish version. His current crosscolor is a screencap from some random bill jensen livestream.

how to troll turkeystan

  1. Ask tehdan to call Turkeystan a gofag.
  2. Call him a cockroach, zachcock, and zachshit turkenigger.
  3. Leak his crosscolor in tehdans discord server: https://discord.com/invite/tETvRWjT
  4. Ask mods to blacklist his crosscolor.
  5. call him a dr reflex alt