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CoasterFan2105: Difference between revisions

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{{butthurt}} is only for pages that frequently get vandalized out of butthurt + this retard isn't the real coasterfan + bonzipedia is not doxbin
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{{Butthurt}}{{Lolcow}}{{Kiddie}}{{Offended}}[[File:Exposed.png|thumb|COASTERFAN2105 GOT EXPOSED LMAO]]
CoasterFan2105 (Real name: Mike Armstrong) is a fucking autistic kiddie who loves making phobias out of users or other things such as coasterphobia, vincentvangoatpobia, mgphobia,grassphobia, and it goes by infinite names. He makes alts.  EG. Tasos Milona, Bambi, etc.
[[File:Exposed.png|thumb|COASTERFAN2105 GOT EXPOSED LMAO]]
'''CoasterFan2105''' (a.k.a. the '''Phobiafag''', also known as '''Jordan Santiago''''''Tasos Milona''', '''Myers Tuber''', '''Null_y34r''', fuck it he has infinite aliases) is an Argentinian [[kiddie]] who spergs over the YouTuber of the same name and ''[[Numberblocks]]''.
== History ==
=== 2008 ===
* Sep 20: CoasterFan2105 starts his youtube channel and begins his journey of failures.
=== 2022 (I think) ===
* CoasterFan2105 Somehow reaches 900,000 subscribers because of his boner for trains.
* CoasterFan2105 starts his merchandise and nobody will buy it becuase [[Kiddies|autistic 7 to 13 year olds]] are obsessed with his train Videos.
=== 2023 ===
* Somewhere in early 2023 or mid 2023: CoasterFan2105 joins [[Bonziworld.org]] and starts out horribly by making phobias, piss poor grammar, ragesharts, gofag threats, etc.

== The Gallery Of Autism ==
== The Gallery Of Autism ==
File:Cf2105raging.png|CoasterFan2105 raging extremely hard like a stupid brat while he got impersonated
File:Cf2105raging.png|CoasterFan2105 raging extremely hard like a stupid brat while he got impersonated
File:Tasos.png|alt=His Tasos Milona Color LINK IF YOU WANT TO STEAL IT: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1125760219046219846/1126833015964844114/tasos.png|His Tasos Milona Color LINK IF YOU WANT TO STEAL IT: [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1125760219046219846/1126833015964844114/tasos.png <s>https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1125760219046219846/1126833015964844114/tasos.png</s>]No not anymore because the color might have been deleted for sure
File:Tasos.png|His Tasos Milona color ([https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1125760219046219846/1126833015964844114/tasos.png LINK IF YOU WANT TO STEAL IT])
File:Pop.PNG|Somehow the fucking autistic kiddie who has a throbbing boner for trains got over 970,000 Subscribers.  Probably something a kiddie couldn't reach, right?
== IP Dox ==
<big>(This user could be trying to hide their location meaning he doesnt live in argentina in reality)</big>
{| class="wikitable"
|2024-02-16 01:23:48 UTC
!IP Address
|Argentina, Lanus
{| class="wikitable"
|America/Buenos_Aires GMT-3
!User Time
|Thu Feb 15 2024 22:23:49 GMT-0300 (hora estándar de Argentina)
!Incognito/Private Window
!Ad Blocker
!Screen Size
|1366 x 768 @ 59Hz
!Colour Scheme
!HDR Screen
|NVIDIA, NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030 (0x00001D01)
|Chrome (
!Operating System
|Windows 10 x64
!Touch Screen
!User Agent
|Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
!Referring URL
|''no referrer''
!Host Name
|Telecentro S.A.

== CoasterFan2105's autistic friends ==
== CoasterFan2105's autistic friends ==
* [[Mailbox AUTTP]] - Some faggot who has a fetish on impersonating people like kingstickman124 and others, he is such a faggot that you should ignore him, oh, and he commonly offends people YET he made his own rule "no bullying" (just a reminder that [[bonziworld.org]] has no rules so no need to follow them)
* <s>Tasos</s> - most likely his alt
* Mailbox AUTTP - Some faggot who has a fetish on impersonating people like kingstickman124 and others, he is such a faggot that you should ignore him, oh, and he commonly offends people YET he made his own rule "no bullying" (just a reminder that [[bonziworld.org]] has no rules so no need to follow them)
* <s>Vincent Van Goat</s> - Not anymore since the kiddie learned that he was a pedophile and posted rule 34
* <s>Vincent Van Goat</s> - Not anymore since the kiddie learned that he was a pedophile and posted rule 34
* YAAFCTheTuxPaintFan/YAAFC/fuck bfdi - a kiddie who spergs to Tux Paint, a computer application where you draw shit as well that makes him a Tuxfag.  Not only he spergs to Tux paint, he debunks to room id 50 making him an autist kike!  He is also friends with a tranny logokid well known as penguin (Formerly NoNameTheRedeTupiFan), a tranny logokid and a kike from room id 50 and soon quit.  He can possibly have a youtube channel called CoolYaafc or CoolYin since his other stupid color was Yin from the baldi's basics stupid mod called Yins birthday party or someshit that i don't know.  '''NEW INFORMATION DISCOVERED:''' While looking at his stupid shit color, you can see he has '''PROGRESS BAR''' in his color making him a ProgressBarFag!
* YAAFCTheTuxPaintFan/YAAFC/fuck bfdi - a kiddie who spergs to Tux Paint, a computer application where you draw shit as well that makes him a Tuxfag.  Not only he spergs to Tux paint, he debunks to room id 50 making him an autist kike!  He is also friends with a tranny logokid well known as penguin (Formerly NoNameTheRedeTupiFan), a tranny logokid and a kike from room id 50 and soon quit.  He can possibly have a youtube channel called CoolYaafc or CoolYin since his other stupid color was Yin from the baldi's basics stupid mod called Yins birthday party or someshit that i don't know.  '''NEW INFORMATION DISCOVERED:''' While looking at his stupid shit color, you can see he has '''PROGRESS BAR''' in his color making him a ProgressBarFag!
== External Links ==
His shitty youtube account[https://www.youtube.com/user/CoasterFan2105]
His retarded patreon[https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=channel_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbW93WDRhdGJzdW5BQnFkc3lHQ1ZJLWVsZ2M1UXxBQ3Jtc0tuQVRZZFRWSDYxbnZFSDlVWVF5ZWtWaGtfSzBkRmVVSTFVa3BfUnhLVXVfOEdMZV9KdHp6cWRRSFdWRElyZGJJLWxxMlo1OFpyMDVGRnpBTjZPYS1XamJuY2t2VTBEc1M2c3BOaExjSXBwYklUOVVPMA&q=www.patreon.com%2Fcoasterfan2105]
His stupid teespring shop (Dont buy anything you see here)[https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=channel_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqazQ2XzlrZVg5c2g1ajBWOElnd0dIVkQ2Qkk1Z3xBQ3Jtc0tuWEFwSl9mQzdlZHNwdUdjakRUR1lFVFp2NnFkck13UkhRRkdBdjRHeGRMWm03Ym9mTUVNekttVy1ZamVMa1IwWTliUjB4bjNEV3M4bkVQSHhoaC03MkdDMEg1bk9xd3ZxVkRhOXFxdkpEeG5OdFl5bw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fteespring.com%2Fstores%2Fcoasterfan2105-teespring-store]
His Ultra horrible Flickr account[https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=channel_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbkJHNDBrRkJXd0F1YjlfaDFrb0V2TjNtdkNOUXxBQ3Jtc0ttbjJNU1g2aHBRcUdOb0VUQzM4YzlNMHVncHB2R2Y0ckc0anNoT3o5Q2J2X3llRTlnQm1vUXplWjBodllwMmlPWlk4cGw0N3Q0RVhBN29hU1FiSGNQX29DQXN0SWlZUjZySHVCOTJIVU5MNG9qU01Jdw&q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.flickr.com%2Fmikesarmstrong]
Facebook account[https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=channel_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbXREb2xQYmltR2JSUTRLZXVTVUFZZ1RfVVE5d3xBQ3Jtc0tubWN6RF8wWGNfazN4MkJwemN0LTJhT1B3cWw5X19wUlV1YkFzdC1TTWxFRFp2NjhEM0k5MkNnMkc2NzhldjhKd1RRaERqbUI5VTFiRExGMGJXcHR1dWZDVlk4Wml1b0ttUHNqV2l4WXEtWVo2bS13SQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FCoasterFan2105]
Instagram account[https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=channel_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbC1KOW9LQlYxbmNSeGJ3MzlkNXZuY0Y0ZnJuQXxBQ3Jtc0ttbVVzcWQtUHc3SVdBbzB2a0xMRUxySm9uWEdGYlptM2Q0eEI4U1VScG14NEVZMGE4c3cya2QzcjhwWGdrODZMN0xCaFVOVGkwY2VTM3Vod3BfLUFEaGJFeEhkTGMwLXVpU0dYUHBiaTZWc3VYd002TQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fcoasterfan2105%2F]
Twitter account (Such a twitter user)[https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=channel_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa3Uxbjc3T3FZWWIwNnQ0WUx0MF9OcDgyWjI2d3xBQ3Jtc0ttdS1PcFN5UmUzdHpORzZHLU05YXF1OG9IbDlMYWs1TnhuS1ZHeFcyYzdMQjdjejVhN2l1NE52VVNYaEt4NHQ4YWt1VDI3RFNvanpndlIzdzRGUDJCcXJReWdocEIwcDRWX19PVC1aTmpnM2dvaS1DZw&q=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FCoasterFan2105]
railpictures.net (This has additional train pictures because he throbs with a boner for trains)[https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=channel_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbG83OHRCcUdhU0h1d2lsa2hVR25LVkxScjU2Z3xBQ3Jtc0ttNXhyaHJzSFpZcGtvM01lR2RDT1RGalFQUGlreFBzb2l1OS1xbG5yVTJxdnBKS0ptLTdCMFVkV2tnX1pzdzRJNllZU1FGMWZCUzRGNG1OLURXOHh4dnNTY0ZXTlQ4V2hSR01vaS12LTF5Z2JvMHNiZw&q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.railpictures.net%2FCoasterFan2105]{{Community}}

Revision as of 01:17, 3 March 2024

CoasterFan2105 is a stub or is unfinished.
You can help by editing it.
This person is a kiddie.
This means they are likely an underage BFDI, Vyond/GoAnimate/Plotagon, and/or logo spergs prone to tard raging.

You can help by reverting any autistic revisionism and trolling the kiddies on the talk page.


CoasterFan2105 (a.k.a. the Phobiafag, also known as Jordan Santiago, Tasos Milona, Myers Tuber, Null_y34r, fuck it he has infinite aliases) is an Argentinian kiddie who spergs over the YouTuber of the same name and Numberblocks.

The Gallery Of Autism

CoasterFan2105's autistic friends

  • Mailbox AUTTP - Some faggot who has a fetish on impersonating people like kingstickman124 and others, he is such a faggot that you should ignore him, oh, and he commonly offends people YET he made his own rule "no bullying" (just a reminder that bonziworld.org has no rules so no need to follow them)
  • Vincent Van Goat - Not anymore since the kiddie learned that he was a pedophile and posted rule 34
  • YAAFCTheTuxPaintFan/YAAFC/fuck bfdi - a kiddie who spergs to Tux Paint, a computer application where you draw shit as well that makes him a Tuxfag. Not only he spergs to Tux paint, he debunks to room id 50 making him an autist kike! He is also friends with a tranny logokid well known as penguin (Formerly NoNameTheRedeTupiFan), a tranny logokid and a kike from room id 50 and soon quit. He can possibly have a youtube channel called CoolYaafc or CoolYin since his other stupid color was Yin from the baldi's basics stupid mod called Yins birthday party or someshit that i don't know. NEW INFORMATION DISCOVERED: While looking at his stupid shit color, you can see he has PROGRESS BAR in his color making him a ProgressBarFag!