BonziUSER A.K.A ItzCrazyUser

Revision as of 17:58, 26 January 2024 by Fune (talk | contribs) (Polished)
BonziUSER A.K.A ItzCrazyUser is a stub or is unfinished.
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This person is a kiddie.
This means they are likely an underage BFDI, Vyond/GoAnimate/Plotagon, and/or logo spergs prone to tard raging.

You can help by reverting any autistic revisionism and trolling the kiddies on the talk page.

BonziCITIZEN A.K.A User or NiggerCITIZEN (now BonziUSER A.K.A ItzCrazyUser) is an awful retarded Seamus supporter who changed his name because someone impersonated him (yes, that's the type of autism we're dealing with here). He hates and uses BonziWORLD Revived just like a typical Seamus supporter; and most likely was the victim of severe grooming by the Irish nigger due to him having admin on BWR. In general, he's a fucking sadistic Seamus-dickriding hooligan.

BonziCITIZEN as a nazi

Just like any BonziWORLD lolcow, he got super pissy when this article was made and makes horrid little YoutTube videos to bitch about Fune over this article (which is hilarious because Fune only edited it once). BonziCITIZEN is very likely related to one of Diogo's boogeymen: Citizen, and therefore might also be a Halagetworlder in training. He usually milks the "BonziTV Offline Ident" series, the latest being V5, and he is a huge dickhead. He usually posts videos of this article, making blank threats like a baby, and watches PornHub and Rule 34. He even said he would track people's IP addresses for hating him (a fucking 12-year-old autismal) which is obviously a bluff because he doesn't have an ip tracker, and is too scared to go on grabify.


Like any Seamus gnome, BonziCITIZEN will throw tantrums at Warsaw and hope that somebody gives a shit. He records videos about each of them. All this led to the article being expanded as a method of trolling him. He has a video of him throwing a tantrum just because some random faggot made this article (obviously he blamed it on Fune). He never directly joined Warsaw because he knows how badly it went for his gay boyfriend, Loliest.

He has associations with Cosmic (AKA Kelvin Frederick Walker) and shills his shitty bloated server "BonziWORLD Enhanced". This means BonziCITIZEN supports a groomer who tried getting a 13 year old girl's nudes!

Latest chimpout video: Goodbye everyone... HE FUCKING QUIT LMAO

External Links

Other info

NiggaCITISHIT is retarded enough to know that he Pretends to track IP addresses (like really, what the actual fuck is wrong with you, NiggaCITIPUSSY, you fucking scared those nazis, bitchass) mrstopbonzidotlol keeps sucking NiggaCITIZEN's dick and protects him (like a fucking dickface)


Article edited by MommyMilk, SeamusIsANigger, mrstopbonziworlddotco, OWTVF2024, Fune and other weirdos on the interwebz. Wanna put your name on the article? Don't put it in the middle, add it to the credits.