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From BonziPEDIA, the Official BonziWORLD Encyclopedia of varied quality.
Revision as of 11:49, 15 January 2025 by Dave (talk | contribs)
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This person is a cockroach, meaning they are from Cockroachland.
This person is a kiddie.
This means they are likely an underage BFDI, Vyond/GoAnimate/Plotagon, and/or logo spergs prone to tard raging.

You can help by reverting any autistic revisionism and trolling the kiddies on the talk page.


YGL2K14 (a.k.a. Dr Reflex, real name: Yasin Ekber, born December 15, 2014) is a 9-year-old kiddie, Gachafag, GoFag, objectfag, logofag and also a cockroach that used to be some random nobody until some people (including the two most active kings on bonziworld.org, kigger and SeamusIsANigger) started milking the shit out of him and he started raging like a faggot. He might be the next big BonziWORLD lolcow after Diogo and Seamus, but who knows?

Whenever BonziBOT or any of it's million script kiddie forks are online, he will start spamming "b!kill (person he hates)".

Proof YGL2K14 is a script kiddie while raiding ThirdPanelSoft

Rage videos/reaction to this article

Like many BonziWORLD kiddies, YGL was not very fond of being added to this wiki. Shortly after this article was created, he added to both this article and it's talk page links to several JewTube videos of him throwing temper tantrums. Either way, his childish temper tantrums and general reaction to this article shows that this kiddie might have huge lolcow potential.

Here are his rage videos: (WARNING: Might give you autism and fuck your brain up! Proceed with caution.)

Thankfully most of his rage videos have been age-restricted by JewTube; meaning they are less likely to show up in people's recommendations and therefore containing the autism therein.

Afterwards he deleted most of them out of rage; thankfully those were archived here.


YGL first joined BonziPEDIA on February 24, 2024 under the username YGL2K14. However this account only lasted for two days; as for unknown reasons he later ended up abandoning this account and moving to a new one titled BonziPEDIA Yasin Edition.

After more than a month of shitting up BonziPEDIA with poorly-written, low-effort articles about kiddie nonsense nobody cares about, he was permanently banned by Ziggy for being underage. However, this didn't stop the roachlet from trying to edit BonziPEDIA; as he continues making sockpuppets to this day in order to evade the previously mentioned ban. Most notably, he logged back into his abandoned YGL2K14 account on May 5, 2024 after his first sockpuppet, Dr Reflex, was banned.

YGL is barred from editing BonziPEDIA in any way until the date he turns 13; which is December 15, 2027. If you find any BonziPEDIA account that looks like a sockpuppet of YGL2K14, contact an administrator so that it is dealt with.


All known BonziPEDIA accounts owned by YGL2K14. Please keep this list sorted by account creation date:

  • YGL2K14 - Original account. Abandoned only 2 days later; then used again in order to evade the ban on his Dr Reflex account.
  • BonziPEDIA Yasin Edition - The account he ended up moving to after abandoning YGL2K14. This was the account that Ziggy ended up permabanning.
  • Dr Reflex - First sockpuppet with his new handle; being created in order to evade the ban on the BonziPEDIA Yasin Edition account.
  • Unknownerman - Last known sockpuppet as of the time of writing; notably lasted 11 days before getting banned as the BonziPEDIA admins are lazy.

bonziworld elimination

Currently, Ygl's magnum opus is bonziworld elimination, a made up reality show consisting of Bonziworld users battling for something. However, the episodes are generally shitty & follow no plot at all. watch it's first episode here.

Missing plots

Votes and teams are missing, before he watched Battle for Dream Island

How to fuck YGL2K14

  • Call him an objectfag or logofag
  • Hate on his favorite web series BFDI and also hate on his favorite BFDI character. (such as 8-ball, he literally uses it for his Discord profile)
  • Spam "YGL2K14 is a huge faggot!".
  • Say he's the reason kids shouldn't be allowed on the internet.
  • Ask him what his age is. (Also 9, but he might be a decade somedays.)

External links

JewTube channels

Surprisingly this kiddie has a lot of JewTube channels. Here's each JewTube channel owned by YGL2K14 alongside their purpose:

Discord accounts
