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From BonziPEDIA, the Official BonziWORLD Encyclopedia of varied quality.
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anon is planning to leave BonziWORLD (and Warsaw) permanently very soon, so this might be the last time anon may be seen. Read his latest text on his talk page for more information.
anon is usually the only user that edits this article. That means mostly everything you see on this article was written by anon himself. You might also notice admins editing this article as well. Some of the articles on this wiki are available on the Encyclopedia Dramatica wiki, which tends to have more information and uncensored media. You can also find more information there about stuff not related to BonziWORLD as well.

anon (not to be confused with AnonyNo) is a user from Lithuania who joins BonziWORLD once or multiple times a day (he sometimes stays there for a bit and leaves, and he sometimes just checks to see if the website has any people there and if not, he leaves and continues about on his day). He has other things to do that's not really related to BonziWORLD.

Generic/universal color
Born December 2010
Residence Lithuania
Gender Male
Obsessions Technology, video games, cars, music (paid subscription), food, travelling to different cities and neighboring countries, etc.
Allies QTopia, etc.
Enemies Catie, E., Diogo, Davidserver, Rafaelduarte, Vincent Van Goat, UWU CATT UTTP, TalkingGuglTheCool, etc.
Aliases DaveShimkus (old/semi-abandoned, still used on some social media platforms), anonunknown124 (current, on social media), (on BW) anon (rainbow tags), etc.
Languages Lithuanian (native), English (secondary) and Russian (learning) as of 2024
Status Alive
His current crosscolor. His old crosscolor is no longer listed on this article. However, you can find it on the wiki if you know how to show everything in search.



  • Appeared on Earth.


  • Joined the original BonziWORLD for the first time ever (month and day are unknown).
  • Discovered the /vaporwave command (possibly mid-late 2019). You can find all of the commands here.


  • He was involved in a few things with Diogo, QTopia and woody (Catie), but he managed to calm the situation down. He also befriended QTopia on Discord to discuss about those things, and is still friends with him to this day.
  • Stopped using BonziWORLD for over a year as of 2024.


  • Came back on BonziWORLD, now as anon.
  • Got messages from Warsaw via carl-bot on Discord. (straight to DM's, don't ask what messages he got)
  • Joined Warsaw.
  • Befriended woody (Catie) on Discord for a while, then unfriended him when he found out he abandoned his Discord account or whatever.
  • Made a new crosscolor.
  • His article got (and is still getting) a bit of popularity (omgeh 29K hits!)
  • Tried to bend the rules in the wiki but got caught and disciplined. (P.S., Read the rules so you don't get hammered into a wall. Kudos to Ziggy for adding the hyperlink to all of the rules on the main page.)
  • Gets better internet. Possibly the best one he can get in his home (which is true, considering that he switched from 500Mbps to 1Gbps for around the same price. Lucky). You'll only get these "gifts" if you decide to stay with your ISP after your contract is near the end or if it ends entirely.
  • Decides to quit BonziWORLD and Warsaw permanently.

See also

BonziWORLD - secondary hangout (quitting).

Warsaw (or Discord in general) - main hangout. Sometimes reports people on Warsaw if no one else does or reads the general chat (quitting).