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Discord is an online chatting website consisting of several user-created groups, or "servers", that by themselves consist of one or more text/voice channels. Users can then invite people to their servers by sharing "invite links" which usually consist of " letters)" except for popular Discord servers that might have custom invite links consisting of " the server admins chose)". It was launched in 2015 and is probably the most popular chatting website in the world.

Discord is one of the main hubs for BonziWORLD users; with there being several unofficial BonziWORLD Discords as well as a lot of BonziWORLD servers having official Discords (e.g. the Discord, the MANY BonziWORLD Revived Discords, and's Discord Warsaw). There are also Discord servers that have no rules thanks to all the admins either leaving Discord or getting locked out of their accounts; these are known as anarchies.