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From BonziPEDIA, the Official BonziWORLD Encyclopedia of varied quality.
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This user is a Doggis supporter.
You can help by reverting his edits and telling him that Diogo is a faggot and a doggis.
This user is a Seamus supporter.
You can help by reverting his edits and telling him Seamus is a nigger.
E. is a stub or is unfinished.
You can help by editing it.
This person is a kiddie.
This means they are likely an underage BFDI, Vyond/GoAnimate/Plotagon, and/or logo spergs prone to tard raging.

You can help by reverting any autistic revisionism and trolling the kiddies on the talk page.

e. (aka bambifan08, real name: Daniel Romeiko, efrombonziworld23) is a 12 year old faggot from South Shields, UK, and a Seamus & Diogo grooming victim (as he supports both) who loves to spam bonziworld.org and its Discord server with his autistic shit. He typically leaves bonziworld.org when any kind of moderation takes place (or even when a moderator joins) like a pussy because he fears getting nuked. he currently hyper obsesses over the mr men show. hes also contradicting; one time he shills his shitty (But nonexistent) bw server ''e edition'' for being peaceful, and not racist, another, he spams the n word when chimping out.

He's a notable attention whore who tried to meme himself and at one point posted his penis.

hes also prone to flooding sometimes. have a list per examples, which is as follows:

  1. Dancing flowers flood
  2. e. flood
  3. Pocoyo disco flood
  4. Dancing kid flood

External links

Part of a series on Seamus Cremeens
Creations The Awful State of BonziWORLD’s Community Bonus: Calling out the Community BonziWORLD RevivedBWR WikiLosky Virus
Followers ArdaKirac2009BonziUSER A.K.A ItzCrazyUserCosmic (formerly) • Diogodonutscout (formerly) • e.erikItzCrazyChace (formerly) • HalagetworldLoliest HuhytreTMAFEmrstopbonzidotlolnonogamer9rafaelduarte877 (likely) • SonicFan08temporaryusernameTHLPLEBlakeIsHere (formerly) • rivers
Enemies BeetlejuiceCatieFuneMoon Man • Around 90% of the BonziWORLD community during the war • UnbojihZiggy
Impact on BonziWORLD: Banning anyone he didn't like from BWR and its Discord server • The deaths of bonzi.dega.io and New! BonziWORLD • Going to war with bonziworld.org and losing • Reporting shit he didn't like and in general being a whiny crybaby
E. is part of a series on
people and groups

plentityseamus (BonziWORLD Revived) • trollboxboofganghalagetworldold docense.


tactics and methods


notable/major events

Doc Warsfebruary 15th craptastrophie crimson mondayThe Great WarBonziWORLD-trollbox conflct